No, a MLO is prohibited from working for two companies at the same time. HOPE IT HELPS
Collaboration is the process by which two or more people or group's come together to achieve a particular goal. It usually needs leadership to guide it's activities, and is similar to cooperation.
The departments are complaining and saying the other one has it easy. Bother departments are functioning independently.of one another and so cannot understand the unique challenges faced by the other team.
When they collaborate they pool their resources together to achieve more. They also get to understand the pain points of the other department and this helps foster a good work environment.
The correct option is A,project planning.
In the project planning stage which centers on IT projects,the scope of the project refers to the different parts or milestones making up the project.The scope of the project is a function of the magnitude of the problem it meant to solve.
Cost/benefits analysis is also a key feature of such planning,as it is only worthwhile investing in project whose benefits outweigh its costs.
Lastly, envisaging likely constraints is also important in order that adequate mitigating plans can be put in place.