A paraprofessional is someone who is delegated to do a professional job or task but is not licensed. These people are not necessarily untrained, likely they have been working in the shadow of those who are licensed in that profession so they have some experience.
Adaptation . . . fitness
Natural selection . . . fitness
Fitness . . . adaptation
Adaptation . . . natural selection
Fitness . . . adaptation
i found the answer on a quizlet
Acceleration of heart rate, constrict blood vessels, pupil dilation, elevated blood pressure
Acceleration of heart rate, constrict blood vessels, pupil dilation, elevated blood pressure
The inability to communicate what they require is arguably the most difficult component. I believe another difficult component would be coping with having to see sick cats and dogs is dealing with their emotions. Basically, I believe it would be really tough to see them suffer and be placed in a scenario where determining the specific nature of the problem would be challenging.
I think one of the most challenging aspect of working with dogs and cats suffering from a disease is relationship. These animals are pets to someone, they are loved. The hardest decision made by vets are putting down a suffering animal from a disease. Vets will do as much as they can to save an animal but when it is in pain and almost untreatable, they will most likely try and persuade the family of its current well being and that a better option will be to put them down. This can be heartbreaking for vets because they want to save your pet from its suffering, but they will have to make a hard decision regarding your animal's health.
those are classic symptoms of Meningitis