Answer: Bradford claims that he is only writing down "an instance or two and omit the rest," meaning he will only describe the most important events.
Bradford explains that while the departure into Holland, many problems were encountered, including betrayels and ambushes, so many that he couldn´t recollect them all. So he will only describe the most important ones.
The purpose of the paragraph is to introduce the changes in the Second Book and highlight the opportunities for discussion created for instructors.
The Purpose of introducing the Second Book is to provide an overview of the changes in the text and accompanying lecture materials for instructors.
The paragraph states that the changes aim to make the book more informative and effective, but more importantly, to create additional opportunities for instructors to launch relevant and interesting discussions.
The revised lecture materials go beyond the content of the book, allowing instructors to deepen the engagement with students.
Learn more about Purpose of introducing the Second Book here:
A compound-complex sentence is elucidated as the sentence comprising of a minimum of two or more correlated independent clauses along with a minimum of one or more subordinate or dependent clauses. These sentences primarily intend to present the complex or longer thoughts through the various parts of the sentence coherently.
As per the question, the given sentence exemplifies a 'compound-complex' sentence as it consists of one subordinate clause('Because they provide toys for children') followed by two independent clauses ('fast-food restaurants like McDonald's have become immensely popular among families' and ' the price of a Happy Meal makes them a great choice for parents as well as kids') which are appropriately punctuated and linked with the conjunctions 'because'(subordinate) and 'and'(coordinate). Thus, it justifies the above claim and hence, it demonstrates a 'compound-complex' sentence.
17 points
Sweltering is a synonym for Blazing Hot. When running in hot conditions, you sweat more energy.
Use parentheses around nonessential information or abrupt changes in thought.
When the words in parentheses form a complete sentence, place a period inside the closing parenthesis.
No personal phone calls are allowed on company time. (Refer to the policy manual.)
When the words in parentheses are not a complete sentence, place the period outside the closing parenthesis.
The meeting will be held next year (in March).
Always place commas, semicolons, and colons outside the closing parenthesis.
The tasks consist of filling out paper work (including HR documents), setting up your email account, and getting a photo ID.
If the information in parentheses requires a question mark or an exclamation mark, use the mark inside the parentheses only if the sentence ends with a different mark.
Richard Bender (remember him?) stopped by to see me yesterday.
Do you remember Richard (think you can remember back that far) from the bank?
Use parentheses to clarify preceding words.
Next week we will study the hydrologic cycle (also known as the water cycle).
Use parentheses for references or documentation of sources.
Fifty contracts were issued this year. (See Table 1.)
The U.S. leads the world in Internet use (Leslie 89).
Use parentheses around an abbreviation or an acronym when it is used with the spelled–out word.
Please submit the Student Aid Report (SAR).
Use parentheses in a horizontal list of items that uses either letters or numbers.
I need three items from the store: (1) apples, (2) bread, and (3) milk.
The following information must be included: (a) name, (b) address, and (c) driver's license number.
Capitalize the first word in parentheses if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a complete sentence.
Verify all items. (Check the boxes.)
Call the assistant (Robert Digg) at noon.
Use parentheses around numerals used with a spelled–out number.
I have ninety (90) dollars left from my paycheck.
Use parentheses for minor subdivisions in alphanumeric outlines.
To clarify certain words
I think it is a therapeutic way to get out emotions that you dont know how to put in words
b chronological
Ex: The chief events are in chronological order.