PLease PLease help!!!! 40 points What is the biggest county in Washington in terms of population? (Points : 1)

Spokane County
Adams County
Cowlitz County
King County

Question 2.2. Which of the following in not a common county official? (Points : 1)
attorney general

Question 3.3. Which of the following best describes the recent changes in Indian tribal government? (Points : 1)
Tribes are taking less of a role in their own tribal affairs.
Tribes are taking more of a role in their own tribal affairs.
Tribes have not changed their role in over 100 years.
Tribes have surrendered all claims to run their own affairs.

Question 4.4. Which of the following is not a regular service administered by special districts? (Points : 1)
water and sewage


Answer 1

1.  King County has a population of 1,931,249

2. Attorney general is selected by the state not the county.

3. They have begun to take more action in there on tribal affairs.

4. They offer everything but the military. That is something the US government has at there disposal.

Hope I helped. :)

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Abraham was the father of Judaism

Answer: (D) the father of Torah


Which one of the following individuals would be most likely to vote?A. A 50-year-old corporate executive who holds a master's degree in business
B. A 19-year-old high school graduate who likes to complain about the government
C. A 22-year-old computer programmer
D. A 30-year-old college graduate who has just moved to a new state


In the United States, it would be "A. A 50-year-old corporate executive who holds a master's degree in business," since older people with more education tend to vote more than others. 

In 1998, Canada’s highest court declared that _____.


 In 1998, Canada’s highest court declared that,  Quebec could not legally secede.  The answer is letter C.
This questions has the following options. 

A. Quebec could pass a referendum to secede 
B. English was the official language of the province 
C.Quebec could not legally secede 
D.English-speakers must leave the province 

The correct answer is “Quebec could not legally secede.”

In 1998, Canada highest court declared that Quebec could not legally secede.

On August 20, 1998, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that “the National Assembly or government of Quebec do not have, either under Canadian law or international law, the right to effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally.” But the Court made clear that other states of Canada could negotiate Quebec’s separation if the people from Quebec was in favor.  

Which two key principles of government are
included in the Declaration of Independence?


The two key principles are the consent of the governed and natural rights. These are the two key principles that they hoped to use to fight against British rule. 

Humanists believe that


Humanists believe that we have only one life which is this life. We owe it to ourselves and to other to make the best out of this life as possible. Humanists believe that societies are made by us humans. It depends on us on how it will be.


Humanists believe that life on earth is important in its own right

They highly valued life, especially human life, which is why they believed that the people should become the center of attention for artists and philosophers.

In what year was the urban population of the United States roughly equal to the rural population





In 1920, the ratio of the urban and rural population was in 51:49. The population of the United States remained approximately the same in both region. The rural population moved to the urban for jobs and to live in a better condition than in rural. The standards of living were different between the city and the country. Rural areas were without electricity, where 50 per cent of urban homes had electricity. Life was getting easier in the city. Electricity opened the door for small appliances and washing machine.



The 1920 United States census recorded that 51.2% of the population was living in urban areas. Since the census is taken only every ten years, we don't really have great data for the years in between, so 1920 is the closest we have to a year where the urban/rural split was roughly 50/50.