This semester you read several memoirs, including pieces by Ernesto Galarza and Russell Baker. Return to “Barrio Boy” and “No Gumption” now. How are these two memoirs similar? How are they different? In what ways are the authors’ choices and depictions related to the subject matter of their stories?


Answer 1

They are both written in first person, they shareconflicts. First, in similarity,they lived in close time periods (both lived in 20th century) and were verypoor. They went through a lot of struggle but in the end they achieved a lot.They both share similar conflicts. These are both memoir stories written infirst person and talk about being young children. 

In difference, No Gumption is about a boy who delivers newspapers to helpsupport his family and to learn how to have a job. His mother wants him to havegumption so he won't end up the way his father was. In Barrio Boy, it is aboutan immigrant who goes to school and learns English. I don't think the storyever talks about him getting a job. 

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1. Which of the following topics is too broad for a 10-minute speech?
classes offered in interior design
interior design tips for the college dorm
the history of modern interior design
preparing for a career in interior design


Answer:is C


I am not too sure there is a clear answer to this question: in principle, you could hold a speech of 10 minutes on any topic, but the depth of the treatment of the topic would have to be adjusted.

I would choose answer C. the history of modern interior design: describing a history of anything requires a lot of details, and those need time.

Specifically, I find that options A and B are very easily condensed for 10 minutes: they are in any case not good options.

D. depends on whether this is just a general introduction or a very detailed, practically oriented, tutorial. 

Choose the sentence that might be found in a personal narrative that correctly uses both a gerund and an infinitive.A. Acting became my door to a world of adventure and excitement.
B. Although I had participated in school plays since I was in first grade, my parents did not appreciate my acting.
C. If only they had realized that to act was the focus of my dreaming.
D. I knew I had to show them how I felt by saving all my money to attend drama camp.


The correct answer is C, because it has a correct infinitive 'to act' and a gerund 'dreaming'. A and B don't have them, and in D, 'saving' is a participle, not a gerund.

Which part of speech should you analyze to identify the narrator?


The point of view is the part of the speech that you must analyze to identify the narrator.

We can arrive at this answer because:

  • The point of view determines who is the narrator of the story.
  • The first-person point of view can be seen when the narrator introduces the pronouns "I," "me," "mine," "we," "ours."
  • This type of narrator is a character who is quoting his or her own story or the things he or her witnessed.
  • The third-person point of view is where the narrator presents the pronouns "he," "she," "his," "her," "they," "theirs."
  • This type of narrator is not a character and is telling a story that he observes externally without participating in the story.

The first-person point of view is limited because it only shows the story from a single person's point of view. The third-person point of view is omnipresent, as it shows the story in the eyes of many people.

More information:


You know a narrator is using third person when someone outside of the story is telling the story; the narrator isn't a character within the story. Look out for these pronouns: he, she, it, him, his, her, hers, they, them, and their.


What is the best way to summarize this passage using a graphic organizer?Not surprisingly, one of the main things travelers are looking for is convenience. Convenient travel doesn't involve
unwelcome or unplanned physical, emotional, or mental effort. What factors contribute to convenience?
Psychologists point out that, because people's skill sets and frustration levels are very different from person to person,
what is convenient for one person can be inconvenient for another. For example, one person might choose the subway
for the convenience of never having to think about where to turn and where to park, but someone else might choose their
car for the convenience of going whenever they want to and not having to work out the subway maps and numbering

a. a table with physical convenience, emotional

c. both of these
convenience, and mental convenience and the
factors that contribute to them

b. a chronological list of convenience items

d. neither of these





im ceo of smart


Its A. just got it right


Which queen was a great patron of william shakespears's works?


queen Elizabeth ll. she rebuilt the theater he first acted in in his honor
Queen Elizabeth 1 was the queen. 

Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people. What signal word or phrase indicates there is a comparison in this paragraph? (5 points)
Were outvoted by
Or other
With each
Is similar to


Were outvoted by, best option.
we are out voted best way to put it