A section of DNA that provides information for a protein is called a _____. gene


Answer 1
Answer: gene , is the correct answer.
Answer 2
Answer: It's called a gene. the answer is the first one.

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Which cell has both a cell wall and a cell membrane?

please answer quickly its urgent



Plant Cell

contains both

Consider the phylogenetic tree of Old World primates.According to the tree, which primates share the most recent common ancestor with humans?
A. gorillas
B. chimpanzees
C. bonobos and chimpanzees
D. bonobos and gorillas


Bonobos and chimpanzees.

Answer:  c)  bonobos and chimpanzees

Why are viruses considered to be nonliving?


They aren't cells, well not like animal and plant ones. They are just DNA/RNA surrounded by protein
They have no metabolism, they have no energy needs, which makes them unlike living cells
They produce no waste, no energy going in means no energy coming back out again, which is also different to living cells
They don't reproduce by mitosis/meiosis, they can only replicate inside other cells
They don't grow, they stay as they are from birth until death
They don't respond to outside stimuli they just live their happy little lives, oblivious to everything around them
viruses are considered to be non living because they dont posess nucleus

What is the correct order of geological time scales from largest to smallest?



This hierarchy comprises eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages from the largest to the smallest


This hierarchy comprises eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages from the largest to the smallest. All of these are shown in the geological time scale page.

Eon                      Era          Period            Epoch           Age

Phanerozoic Cenozoic Paleogene Oligocene Chattian  Rupelian

The Phanerozoic Eon reflects the period that most macroscopic species — bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals — lived through.

Which of the following is the most abundant source of carbohydrates?vegetables


the answer is A. Vegetables
Hope this helps.

i am pretty sure that the answer is vegatables

The nucleus includes all of the following structures exceptA. cytoplasm.
B. nucleolus.
C. chromatin.



Option A, Cytoplasm


Cytoplasm is the fluid contained with in the cell membrane into which all cell organelles are found including the nucleus. Cytoplasm basically has two parts a) endoplasm and b) ectoplasm. The endoplasm has all the organelles while the ectoplasm is the fluid at the periphery of cell membrane. The cell memebrane keep the cytoplasm confined  with in the cell and does not allow it to spill.

Since all the cell components are found with in the cytoplasm, it is clear that cytoplasm lies out of the nucleus. Thus, option A is correct.


The correct answer will be option- A


The nucleus is the membrane organelle which encloses the DNA of the organisms. The presence of the nucleus is the characteristic feature of the eukaryotes.

The nucleus encloses the genetic material in the form of either DNA or a loosely arranged structure called chromatin. The nucleus also contains a structure called nucleolus distinguished by a dense round structure during the interphase.

Since the nucleus lacks the cytoplasm which is enclosed by the cell membrane of the cell therefore, option-A is the correct answer.