Cats may have straight or curly ears. A cat with curly ears mated with a straight-eared cat. All the kittens had curly ears. Are curly ears a dominant orrecessive trait? Explain your answer.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe that curly ears are dominant because all the kittens had curly ears.
Answer 2
Answer: You have to assume that this is complete dominance and one of these traits is dominant. To get the recessive characteristic, the alleles (versions of the gene) both have to be recessive (both lower case). But to have the dominant phenotype, either both alleles could be dominant (upper case) or you could have one of each (heterozygous, where you have one upper case and one lower case). 

So there are two possibilities for genotype of the cat with the dominant characteristic. Since you don't know (yet) which it is, just use the letters "E" and "e" and set up the two possible Punnett squares: 



In the first Punnett square, all the offspring have the same genotype, so they would also have the same phenotype. In the second square, you have offspring with two genotypes, one of which would produce the dominant phenotype (Ee) and one of which would produce the recessive phenotype (ee). Since your problem states that all the offspring have the same phenotype, the correct Punnett square is the first one where all the kittens are heterozygous (Ee). Since the dominant allele (E) masks the recessive allele (e), then curly ears has to be the dominant trait, since that's the phenotype of all the kittens.

Sorry if this is confusing... D: 

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Where are SDS required to be posted?A dishonest medical practice

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SDSs must be stored in the work area (not far away or in another building). If electronic copies are used, SDSs must still be available if the area loses electricity or internet access. Back-up options include: A laptop with PDFs (or any electronic file type) on the local hard drive.

SDS stands for Safety Data Sheets, which are documents that provide important information about the hazards, safe handling, and emergency procedures for hazardous substances or chemicals. SDS are required to be posted or made readily accessible in certain locations to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals who may come into contact with these substances.

The correct answer to the question "Where are SDS required to be posted?" is not provided in the options given. SDS are typically required to be posted in the following locations:

1. Workplace: In many countries, including the United States, employers are required to have SDS available and easily accessible in the workplace. They may be posted in areas where hazardous substances are stored or used, such as chemical storage rooms or near machinery that requires their use.

2. Laboratories: Laboratories that work with hazardous chemicals are required to have SDS readily available to ensure the safety of workers. They are often posted in designated areas within the lab or near the entrances.

3. Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities that have science laboratories or other facilities where hazardous substances are used are typically required to have SDS accessible to students and staff. These documents may be posted in the laboratories or in a central location such as a chemical storage room.

4. Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings that handle hazardous substances or chemicals are required to have SDS accessible to healthcare professionals. They may be posted in areas such as pharmacy departments or where hazardous materials are stored.

In summary, SDS are required to be posted or made readily accessible in workplaces, laboratories, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities to ensure the safety of individuals who may come into contact with hazardous substances or chemicals

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Answer: evacuate when officials tell you to do so and not try to fight the fire Idrk if there was options?


Which Of The Following Agencies Monitor(S) Content On Nutrition Facts Labels?A - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
B - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
C - Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
D - American Dietetic Association (ADA)
E - Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
All of the above
A and B only
A, B and E


Answer: B


What common benefits do proteins, carbohydrates, and fats provide for the body?


They all provife your body eith energy
Proteins are often called the bodies building blocks.They are used  to build and repair tissue. They help you fight infection and are used for energy. Some good source of protein are seafood, poultry,beans,eggs, and peas. Protein is also found in dairy products such as milk and cheese.

Carbohydrates are the main body's source of energy. There are two types however. Simple and complex. Many carbohydrates also supply fiber. It is from fruits and veggies. (Remember, broccoli is not toxic). Fats also give you energy and help you feel satisfied after eating. Too much fat is never good for you so you should stay away from greasy burgers. 

I hope that helps.

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yes because it speeds up the process of death more faster.

A young man has high blood pressure and needs to reduce his salt intake. How can he find out approximately how much salt is in different packaged foods?



the ingredients


the ingredients part of the package always includes the smallest ingredient of the food.