You’re considering career options in the health field. which of the following would focus on helping patients with swallowing disorders? a. orthotist
b. speech-language pathologist
c. occupational therapist
d. prosthetist


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. It would be a speech-language pathologist that would focus on helping patients with swallowing disorders. They work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speechlanguage, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults. 

Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.
Answer 2

Answer: b. speech-language pathologist


a. Orthotists and prosthetists design and fabricate medical supportive devices and measure and fit patients for them.

b. Speech-language pathologists (sometimes called speech therapists) assess and treat people who have speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders

c. Occupational therapists help people, such as those with disabilities, live independently. Occupational therapists evaluate and treat people who have injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. They help clients meet goals to develop, recover, improve, and maintain skills needed for daily living and working.

d. Prosthetists are specifically trained to work with prostheses, such as artificial limbs and other body parts. Some orthotists and prosthetists construct devices for their patients.

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Final answer:

White settlers were encouraged to move westward due to economic opportunities such as gold, cattle and farming, ideological beliefs like Manifest Destiny, and governmental aid like the Homestead Act, which provided settlers with land.


There were a myriad of factors that influenced white settlers' decision to move westward. Economic, ideological, and governmental encouragements all played a central role in this westward shift.

Economic opportunity was an incredibly compelling reason. The prospect of riches from gold, cattle, or farming, as well as the potential for social mobility, enticed people into making the journey. Whether hoping to strike it rich quickly through mining or steadily building wealth by homesteading, these economic motivators were attractive to many. Additionally, following the economic Panic of 1837, the uncertain economic conditions in urban America pushed some individuals to seek out the promise of commercial farming in the West. Technologies such as railroads and better farm equipment also encouraged this westward move.

An ideological belief commonly referred to as Manifest Destiny also played a substantial role. This entailed the belief that it was the Euro-American settlers' divine right and responsibility to spread their 'civilizing' influence and superior technology across the country. Many settlers saw it as their duty to spread Protestant ideals and democratic values to the native inhabitants.

Furthermore, government aid, such as the provisions of the Homestead Act and the creation of transcontinental railroads, provided economic incentives and reduced logistical challenges associated with moving westward. The Homestead Act provided settlers with 160 acres of land if they lived on and improved it — another motivator for those debating the move.

While mostly white Americans of means initially headed westward, a diverse range of demographics eventually followed, including European immigrants and African Americans escaping the racism of the South. These movements resulted in a clash of cultures, races, and traditions that have had lasting impacts on the nation's character.

Learn more about Westward here:


Which theory suggests that altruistic behavior is governed by calculations of rewards and costs?



Social exchange theory


According to social exchange theory, every social actions that we do in our life will always been based on potential personal gain or loss. We will only do a that action if we feel that the gain that we get from that social action will outweigh the cost that we need to sacrifice to do it.

This theory view that even altruistic behaviors that we do (such as charity) is being done in order to obtain a personal gain (such as good reputation or positive emotion)

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Horne's career was marked by her battle against racism and segregation. But that made her triumphs and successes all the more fascinating. She was regularly passed over for major Hollywood roles, and was given roles as a singer instead. Roles which could easily be edited out of movies once they reached the south. She was considered too dark to play any main character, yet too light-skinned to play a maid. (The character most often assigned to a black female actress.) Horne definately felt the weight and pressure of race on her life.

Lena Horne is a successful Biracial person.

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