The correct option is B
Zoroastrianism, by the name of its founder, is the denomination of religion and philosophy that, derived from a previous religion called Mazdaism, is based on the teachings of the Iranian prophet and reformer Zoroaster (Zarathustra), who recognize as divinity Ahura Mazda , considered by Zoroaster as the only uncreated creator of everything. On the other hand, Vedism is the religion of the Vedic period, historically prior to Hinduism. Religion is based on the four ancient Sanskrit texts called Vedas. It worshiped a trinity of gods, the Vedic trinity (Agní, Indra and Suria), which in the third century BC. C. began to be replaced by the Puranic trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Hernán Cortés
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Vazquez de Coronado
b. General William Sherman
c. Major General Ambrose Burnside
d. Major General George McClellan
A major change women experienced during the post-World War I era was
that they started working outside the home.
Before the World war I, the women major role was to stay at home and take
care of the family. This was a result of the inequality which existed
between the male and female gender during this period.
The post-World War I era however witnessed a decrease in the inequality as
women were allowed to do same jobs as men.
Read mire about World war I here
Working outside the home. The other changes listed occured later in the future, but after the first war, women began to work away from home.
19th century conservatives wanted to conserve and preserve the historic traditions of government and society. For societies like France and elsewhere on the continent of Europe, that meant going back to monarchs in control of government, as things had been before the French Revolution.
Liberals were those who favored liberty for individuals, with greater rights and freedoms. So the various answers that spoke of voting rights, elected parliaments, and democratic change -- those all were measures favored by liberals in the 19th century, not conservatives.
Nationalism was a 19th century movement that had the ability to attach itself to either conservative or liberal agendas. In France, feelings of national unity rallied the people to the cause of the French Republic as a liberal form of government. In Russia, on the other hand, nationalistic pride went hand-in-hand with staunchly conservative and autocratic forms of government. In the German states, liberals were the ones who first pushed to form a united German nation. However, it was a more conservative approach under Otto von Bismarck of Prussia that actually accomplished the unification of Germany. So nationalism can be associated with either liberal or conservative causes -- or both.
Socialism was another ideology with 19th century roots. Socialism believes members of a society are to contribute to each other's needs and provide help to one another. The earliest socialist efforts were somewhat small-sized communities or groups that lived and worked together cooperatively, such as the factory town reformed by Robert Owen at New Lanark, Scotland. In the modern world, socialism generally means national measures through taxes and government programs so that those with more resources in terms of private property provide aid to those less well off.
For APEX---------
Anti-Foreigner sentiment in China led to Boxer Rebellion.
It was called Commitment of 1877 to an informal pact reached in the United States in the year 1877 after the disputed presidential elections of the previous year between the republican Rutherford B. Hayes and the democrat Samuel J. Tilden. According to the "commitment", and after several controversies among the polling stations on the results of the elections, it was agreed to grant the presidency to Hayes, in exchange for his regime accepting certain demands of the Democratic Party led by Tilden.
Answer:the USA test prep answer is b
Explanation: Hayes becomes president and reconstruction ends