Adding an organism to a food chain does not affect the other members of the food chain, but removing an organism does.


Answer 1
Answer: This is false. Say you have a food chain where a monkey is the top predator. Then you introduce something that eats what the monkey does. The monkey populations will plummet and that means that the things they eat will start to get more numbers. Adding and subtracting animals throws everything out of order.

Answer 2
Answer: Removing any level from an ecosystem disrupts a delicate balance that may have ;and a diverse, with many levels and intricate relationships between organisms. More predators kill more prey, which, along with food scarcity, decreases the an attempt to control the population, but it had no effect on habitat degradation.

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What happens along a stationary front?a. Cold air rises over warm air.
b. The flow of air is neither toward the warm air mass nor toward the cold air mass.
c. Air moves so rapidly upward that hurricanes form.
d. Wind stops completely.


Answer: b. The flow of air is neither toward the warm air mass nor toward the cold air mass.

A stationary front forms between two air masses. A stationary front results when the warm front or cold front air stops moving. This occurs due to the fact that warm front and cold front air masses being opposite to each other but neither of them are able to repel the other. This affects the climatic conditions of the region. The weather is often cloudy along a stationary front and also supported with fall of rain and snow especially if the air in the front is cold with low atmospheric pressure.

Therefore, along a stationary front the flow of air is neither toward the warm air mass nor toward the cold air mass.

Final answer:

A stationary front is formed when a cold air mass and a warm air mass meet, but neither is strong enough to displace the other. The air flow is generally neither towards the cold nor warm air mass, often resulting in prolonged cloudiness and precipitation


Along a stationary front, option b best describes what happens. Generally, stationary fronts occur when a cold air mass and a warm air mass meet, but neither is strong enough to move the other. As a result, the flow of air is typically neither toward the warm air mass nor toward the cold air mass. Instead, both air masses essentially stay where they are, often resulting in prolonged periods of cloudiness and precipitation in the area surrounding the front.

Learn more about Stationary Front here:


'When we see something that exists in real life, there are many different ways to display imagery and importance using art. What the artist _____________ depends on what he/she wants to communicate.'





The expression of an art is intelligible to those that understand it, as such to make an impression an artist has to emphasize the point they want to communicate

An art is an expression of the personal experiences of the artist or a reaction to events or to reveal the realities as seen by the artist such as global warming and the environment, so as to get the attention of people with the goal to change them, such that a good art changes the most people, hence the need for emphasis.


A - emphasizes

A car acclerates forward at 3.5m/s2 .if the car has a mass of 873 kg, whats the force applied to the car


Newton's second law.
F=ma=873*3.5=3055.5 N
Net force on the car = mass x acceleration = 873x3.5 = 3055.5N. 

Just as the skydiver steps out of the helicopter Somos what do you start a stopwatch so the time is zero at the skydiver steps out of the plane what is the skydivers dour velocity at the instant just before starting to fall


The same as that of the aircraft that he /she is in. If flying level, it would be zero.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the total amount of energy in the universe?A. changes constantly
B. remains constant
C. increases
D. decreases


b. Remains constant 

hope this helps

Which coefficient is needed in front of NaNO3 to balancethe equation Na2S +Zn[NO3]2_ZnS+NaNO#


So Let's adjust the condition! So to ken how to compose what number of components are on each of the sides from this condition.  The coefficient has to require the apply that the entire aggravate that is denotes we have to decide what number of is on the reactants side so: Na=2 , O=6, N=2 So there is a subscript of 3, so we can now surmise that we can duplicate 2*3=6. So the final answer shall be 2.