which indicates the age of a skull? closing of the structures, thickness of nasal spine, size of the mastroid process, or thickness of brow ridges.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is the second option. It is the thickness of nasal spine that indicates the age of a skull. The anterior nasal spine recedes with aging. 
Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.
Answer 2

The answer is the first option, "closing of the structures".

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Pls help!!!
also explain the answer plss


Answer: Line A is the enzyme, and Line B is the no enzyme


The reaction rate of a chemical reaction is greatly impacted by the presence of an enzyme. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up the chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Without an enzyme, the reaction rate may be slow or even non-existent, whereas with an enzyme, the reaction rate can be significantly increased.

In order to compare the reaction rate with and without an enzyme, a graph can be plotted with time on the x-axis and the amount of product formed on the y-axis. The reaction without the enzyme would have a slower rate of product formation and would result in a lower slope on the graph. On the other hand, the reaction with the enzyme would have a sharper rate of product formation and would result in a steeper slope on the graph.

It is important to note that the reaction rate with an enzyme can only be increased up to a certain point, as the enzyme can become saturated with substrate molecules. At this point, the reaction rate will plateau and adding more substrate will not increase the rate of product formation.

Understanding the role of enzymes in chemical reactions is crucial in fields such as biochemistry and pharmacology, as many drugs and therapies work by targeting specific enzymes in the body. By manipulating the activity of enzymes, scientists can alter the rates of chemical reactions and ultimately impact physiological processes.

What is the purpose of the cell cycle


The purpose of cell cycle is to replicate those parents cell by dividing into cells but maintaining the original cell genome. The cell cycle composes of two phases, the interphase wherein the cells are still growing and preparing for mitosis, the other phase is mitotic phase where in the cells will separate to create daughter cell.


D - growth, repair, and reproduction of cells


An Overview of the Cell Cycle. The most basic function of the cell cycle is to duplicate accurately the vast amount of DNA in the chromosomes and then segregate the copies precisely into two genetically identical daughter cells. These processes define the two major phases of the cell cycle.

Explain how solid garbage in landfills can result in air pollution.



By release of methane gas


Most of the waste in a land fill is biodegradable which releases methane gas in the air while degrading.

Methane gas is a green house gas which is able to entrap the heat radiated back by the earth. Entrapping of heat energy causes rising of global earth temperature thereby causing global warming.

Methane is much dangerous than carbon dioxide as it entraps twenty time more heat radiated by earth.

Hence , in this way  solid garbage in landfills can result in air pollution.

Let's think about this one, we know gasses rise to the top of things so does burying it in the ground prevent this also think of other ways it can get into the  air (EX: into streams and taken into air via water cycle)

Phenotypes are an observable expression of someone'sgenotypes


Phenotype is the observable physical or biochemical character of an organism as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences. It is the expression of a certain trait such as blood type or short stature based on genetic and environmental influences. 

Whereas genotype is the set of genes responsible for a specific trait. Phenotype is the physical expression of that trait.

Round seeds and yellow seed color are dominant to wrinkled seeds and green seed color. What is the probability of having offspring that have wrinkled seeds and yellow seed color for the cross RRYY ´ RrYy?



The probability of having offspring that have wrinkled seeds and yellow seed color for the cross RRYY ´ RrYy is zero



Round see (R) is dominant to wrinkled seed (r)

While Yellow seed (Y) is dominant to green seed (y)

Now a cross is carried out between RRYY * RrYy, the following offspring are produced


The gametes of RRYY are RY, RY, RY, RY

The gametes of RrYy are RY, Ry, rY, ry

RY         Ry         rY        ry





Genotype Ratio





All are round and yellow

The probability of having offspring that have wrinkled seeds and yellow seed color for the cross RRYY ´ RrYy is zero

All offspring F1 will be dominant for Round seeds ,there will be no recessive wrinkled. Try punnett square to be sure.

Consumers, the government, net exports, and business all make up the total selling price known as the __________.A. business cycle
B. inflation rate
C. dollar value
D. unemployed


The answer for this question is A
Business cycle is what im thinking