The correct answer is B) noises and gestures for danger.
Complete the following sentence: Many linguists agree on language developed in two stages, beginning with noises and gestures for danger.
Many scholars agree that are basic stages in the developing of language. The prelinguistic stage occurs in the first year of the baby. The baby makes eye contact with its parents, develop gestures and noises to communicate with them. The holophrase stage, when the baby passed the year and until 14 months. During this stage, the baby tries to utter a word at a time. The two-word sentence stage, when the child tries to express more that one word. And the multiple-word sentences, when the child at the age of two can express a more complete sentence.
Punic Wars were three wars that were fought in Carthage and Rome. The Punic wars between the Carthaginian Empire and the growing Roman Empire, Rome wanted to expand their territory in Sicily. The Punic war was an advantage for Carthage. The war ended in the Macedonian War.
The punic wars were three battles that happened from 264 BC to 146 BC. These three battles happened in the middle of Rome and Carthage. During this time, these battles were considered extremely important. The bloodiest battle of all the battles in the punic wars was the battle of Cannae. This battle was fought between the Roman republic and the Carthaginian republic and was considered Romes worst defeat.
After the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Germany accepted to cede previously seized territories to Belgium and France. It also accepted to take responsibility for the war, and pay a large compensation to the other participant countries in the war as a result of war costs. The five major powers who benefited from the treaty were France, Italy, Great Britain, Japan, and the United States.