During Jefferson's administration, which of the following represented his tenure?1. He believed the power of his government depended upon its popularity.
2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force.
3. He refused to add territory to the United States without approval of the states.
4. Jefferson thought a "hands off" approach to the states and less power in the central government would benefit the nation.


Answer 1

The correct option is "2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force."

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America, occupying the position between 1801 and 1809. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the nation. The major events that took place during his presidency included the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806), as well as the escalation of tensions with Britain and France, which led to the war with Great Britain. Britain in 1812, after leaving office.

Answer 2
Answer: 2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force.

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Which of the following is a true statement about the industrial revolution? a. many children were used as coal miners and chimney sweeps during the industrial revolution.
b. the industrial revolution marked a major slowdown in communications and travel.
c. textile production was the least important industry of the early industrial revolution.
d. industrializing nations experienced a serious reduction in population



a. many children were used as coal miners and chimney sweeps during the industrial revolution.


The Industrial Revolution or First Industrial Revolution is the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain, which spread a few decades later to a large part of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America, and that concluded between 1820 and 1840. During this period the greatest set of economic, technological and social transformations of the history of mankind was experienced since the Neolithic, which saw the transition from a rural economy based fundamentally on agriculture and commerce to an urban economy, industrialized and mechanized.

The Industrial Revolution marks a turning point in history, modifying and influencing all aspects of daily life in one way or another. Both agricultural production and the nascent industry multiplied while production time decreased. After 1800, wealth and income per capita multiplied as it had never done in history, because until then GDP per capita had remained practically stagnant for centuries.

As a result of the agricultural and demographic revolution, there was a massive exodus of peasants to the cities; the old farmer became an industrial worker. The industrial city increased its population as a result of the natural growth of its inhabitants and the arrival of this new human contingent. The lack of rooms was the first problem suffered by this socially marginalized population; He had to live in small spaces without minimal comforts and lacking in hygiene. Added to this were days of work, which reached more than fourteen hours a day, in which men, women and children participated with miserable salaries, and lacking legal protection against the arbitrariness of the owners of the factories or production centers. This set of evils that affected the urban proletariat was called the social question, referring to the material and spiritual inadequacies that affected them.

A is the correct answer.

Urbanization of Europe in the High Middle Ages resulted in thebuilding of smaller churches rather than grand cathedrals
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development of medieval guild towns and cities
expansion of feudalism into a patchwork of kingdoms


Urbanization of europe in the high middle ages resulted in : Building smaller churches rather than grand cathedrals
Urbanization make it really difficult to acquire an enough space to build a grand cathedral, so the people choose to built smaller churches instead

hope this helps

Answer: It is development of medieval guild towns and cities.

Explanation: the ‘verified’ answer is wrong.

8)The direct election of U.S. Senators, women's suffrage, and greater government regulation of large industries were all issues of importance in the early 1900s to theA)Democrats.Eliminate


All these social claims and issues were important to the Progressives, option D. This political view supports the reforms based on social inclusion, science, and technology. All progressive policies aim to bring positive changes and to merge Liberal and Conservative political stands with science, therefore they are also called Centrism or Third Way.

D) Progressives.

The 1920s saw the rise of the Progressive era in the history of the United States and ushered in a plethora of reform and social activism relating to the inclusion of women within the democratic political framework of the United States. Solutions to problems caused by urbanization, immigration, industrialization, and political corruption were formulated during this period, targeting corruption within the governmental institutions. The Progressives sought to establish a truly democratic system, by making election procedures transparent. They also addressed potential issues such as pollution, regulation of monopolies, promoting equal competition in the market economy.

Further Explanation:

The Progressive-era sought to reform not only the political and economic aspects of the United States but also in the social lives of U.S. Citizens. A movement was launched against alcoholism, which was the base for extortion for corrupt politicians and illegal gangster activities. The Progressivists sought to bring out the voice of the American women, by raising the question of ‘women suffrage’ and granting them equal voting rights as that of their male counterparts. There were reforms to be introduced in the industrial sector, to ensure better efficiency and was to be achieved by the employment of technological advancement. Reforms were introduced in every aspect of American life such as educational sectors, offices, corporate institutions, and the market economy. The improvement of the lives of the middle class emerged as the hallmark of the Progressive reforms. The established social hierarchy within American society began to change as feminist ideals emerged, encouraging more women to seek educational and job opportunities. Fuelled by their desire to move out of the domestic framework of their homes, divorces became rampant as Victorian ideals of the ‘ideal wife, shattered and the new ‘progressive woman’ emerged, as forerunners in the American society. The government also introduced market reforms to keep prices from rising and ensuring a healthy competitive market.  

Learn more:

1. What moderate reforms did European socialists support? check all that apply? brainly.com/question/4938056

2. How did the federal government use land grants in the west in the 1860s? brainly.com/question/1982881

Answer Details:

Grade: High School, Graduation.

Chapter: Progressive reforms and Liberalism in the United States in the 18th Century.

Subject: History.

Keywords: Progressive reforms, women suffrage, democratic institutions, healthy competition, control of monopoly, extortion, feminist ideals.

The working people of France were called the


The working people of France were known by the name of Sans Culottes. They were the lower class common people of France during the 18th century. Among this group of people, number of them became militant and radical partisans during the time of French Revolution. The main reason was the poor condition of their life and living.




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Spain and England were opposing sides.

the colony of Georgia and Spanish-controlled Florida