Texas is sometimes considered a semi-open state because
All candidates from both parties appear on the same ballet
Voters must pick from only one party’s candidates when attending a primary
Voters cannot cross party lines after having declared a party at the primary
The Lend-Lease Program angered isolationists because it put an end to the neutrality of the United States and was a decisive step to leave behind its traditional policy of isolationism and nonintervention, which had dominated the foreign relations of the country before World War I and again since 1935 with the passing of the Neutrality Acts; After the war, the United States would adopt a completely different role with the constant supervision and intervention in world affairs.
A fief was land to which peasants were attached. It was the main source of income of a vassal and the basis of the feudal system.
b. the "Containment Policy"
c. the "Patriot Act"
d. the "Police Action Policy"