What is the purpose of analyzing a play?


Answer 1

The answer is........... To offer a specific interpretation of the play

Answer 2
Answer: This is a bit subjective, but the purposes of analyzing a play can range from finding deeper meaning in the characters and plot, to understanding very subtle themes that otherwise would be missed. 

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Instead of "Thank you lord we arrived safely" say "Thank you lord, we arrived safely"
not really...

here are some better ways of putting it:

thank you lord for we have arrived safely.

thank you lord, we arrived safely.

thank you lord we have arrived safely.

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Have you no shame sir," hesaid, his eyes narrowing."
The quotation marks must be before the word “Have”and after the word “sir” and since this is in question form, a question markmust also be placed after the word sir and before the quotation mark. This isquoted because this is a verbatim question of the subject. The rest aredescriptions of person asking the question. No quotation must be put at end ofthe sentence. All in all, the sentence is:
“Have you no shame sir?” hesaid, his eyes narrowing.

Not every word can be labeled as a specific part of speech.



False because every word counts in gramamar or when you talk to people

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In four to six sentences, explain how the structure of the First Amendment supports equal weight of each freedom it guarantees.


Word of advice....when you want to get your homework questions answered, you should make it seem like you're asking out of curiosity, so put question marks and stuff haha :D 

Well you can divide it it into 4 aspects. 

The most understood aspect of the 1st amendment is the freedom of speech. This allows people to express themselves, and the Supreme court must have justification to interfere with it. 

The freedom of press is the same thing. It allows people to express themselves through the media and publications. 

The right to assemble allows people to gather together, as long as it's peaceful and not harmful. The government can intervene if they see anything illegal happening. 

The right to petition guarantees that any wrong doing from the government or courts can be fought, allowing people to work together to make change. 


The First Amendment not only declares freedoms, but also provides structural support for them. Everything is crammed into one clause because the amendment is only one sentence long. Because it is so long, it must be separated with commas and the word "or." Both of these examples show that there is no preference for one freedom over another, and that all of them are equally important to the people. The freedoms are also all enshrined in a single constitutional amendment, implying that they all belong together and have the same significance.

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B. radical yet plain
C. highly ritualistic
D. tumultuous


The word or phrase that best describes the political and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is "tumultuous" (D). During this period, the church was in a crisis. It was losing power and the European peasants were rising up against the way they were being treated by the church and the noblemen. The Reformation also moved the centre of power from the Roman Catholic Church to the German Lutheran church. Martin Luther was one of the leaders of the Reformation. 


"tumultuous" (D)
