The correct answer to how did Henry David Thoreau feel about the pace of life in is time is: He felt things moved too quickly.
Thoreau said that "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." He advocated for a simpler in contrast with the hastiness of his time, which made people lose control of their lives. Things that move too quickly are harder to attend with care and grasp them. He reflected about such things as simplicity and spiritual awakening in contrast with the American hurry of the time exemplified in the construction of the railroad as a symbol of rapid transit and its impact in the life of Americans.
B.a person who holds sovereign rule over a kingdom or empire
C.a person who is elected as the head of the council to the king
D.a person who heads the government after a conquest
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In the sentence "George Washington Carver, the son of slaves, became an agricultural innovator" the word that is the predicate nominative is "son"
C) Audience knows the deceased, but the men and play do not.
Trifles is built as a detective story in which the main characters are usually the detectives; however, in Trifles, the main characters are the detective's wives who, through their experiences as housewives, solve the crime without the men ever acknowledging this because of the women's empathy towards the killer of Mr. Wright, who they assume to be Mrs. Wright, after having her spirit "killed" by Mr. Wright in the first place. Trifles questions the patriarchal justice system.