Select the correct meaning of the word below. You may use a dictionary.victuals

vital organs


Answer 1
Answer: Victuals means food.

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(30 points I THINK is how it works when choosing points, that goes to whoever helps me.) Although the poems, "The Lamb" and "The Tyger," address the same concept, the tone is different in each.Can you guys help me explain how they differ using supporting evidence from the poems. I'd really appreciate it ^-^ <3 <3 <3THE LAMBLittle lamb, who made thee?Does thou know who made thee,Gave thee life, and bid thee feedBy the stream and o'er the mead;Gave thee clothing of delight,Softest clothing, woolly, bright;Gave thee such a tender voice,Making all the vales rejoice?Little lamb, who made thee?Does thou know who made thee?Little lamb, I'll tell thee;Little lamb, I'll tell thee:He is called by thy name,For He calls Himself a Lamb.He is meek, and He is mild,He became a little child.I a child, and thou a lamb,We are called by His name.Little lamb, God bless thee!Little lamb, God bless thee!THE TYGERTiger, tiger, burning brighIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skiesBurnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder and what artCould twist the sinews of thy heart?And, when thy heart began to beat,What dread hand and what dread feet?What the hammer? what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?What the anvil? what dread graspDare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears,And watered heaven with their tears,Did He smile His work to see?Did He who made the lamb make thee?Tiger, tiger, burning brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeDare frame thy fearful symmetry.
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__________ is the deliberate spreading of ideas, facts, or allegations to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.a. Propaganda
b. Persuasion
c. Argument
d. Reflection


It sounds like propaganda

Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men-and what multitude there might be of them they knew not...they could have little solace (meaning "peace") or content in respect of any outward objects." (William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation: Book1, Chapter IX) The perspective (meaning "point of view") of the preceding passage is: first person second person third person


The preceding passage is in third person.

It would be third person

the word They gives the hint

How did the standardization of the English language in the eighteenth century benefit publishers?. a.It attracted readers from lower classes..b. It reduced printing costs..c. It motivated authors to create more works.. d.It increased sales of literary works.


the standardization of english language in the eighteenth century benefit publishers because : D. It increased sales of literary works

Standardization of the english language make it easier for those the literary works to reach the mass people

hope this helps

Standardizing is the process of the development and it is the refinement and fixing of language. The development in 18th century happened thanks to Samuel Johnson who was the son of a bookseller and made lasting contributions to English language. It was a part of linguistic movement and it made the printing process efficient, as well. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

What would the affixes be for the word inescapable?


Answer (#1):

The word "inescapable" is already a complete word and does not require any affixes. It is derived from the root word "escape" and the prefix "in-," which means "not" or "without." The suffix "-able" is added to the root word to form an adjective that means "not able to be escaped."

To summarize, the word "inescapable" does not have any affixes. It consists of the prefix "in-" and the suffix "-able," which are added to the root word "escape" to create an adjective meaning "not able to be escaped."

Answer (#2):

The word "inescapable" is formed by adding two affixes to the base word "escape."The first affix is the prefix "in-," which means "not" or "opposite of." Adding "in-" to "escape" changes the meaning from "to get away from" to "not able to get away from."The second affix is the suffix "-able," which means "capable of" or "able to." Adding "-able" to "escape" changes the word from a verb to an adjective and means "able to be escaped from."

So, the affixes for the word "inescapable" are "in-" and "-able."

There are 2 answers to this, please pick the one you think is right! Hope it helped!

In which sentence does the verb agree with the subject? a. My friend and her mother laughs at all my jokes.
b. Every soup and salad cost less than five dollars.
c. Each plate and bowl has a spot in the cupboard.


In sentence construction, a sentence must naturally have a subject and apredicate. IN the sentences above, the most logical sentence where the verbagrees with the subject is letter B with the sentence: Every soup and saladcost less than five dollars. The subject here is the ‘soup and salad’ while thepredicate is ‘cost less than five dollars’. In cases like the sentence A: Myfriend and her mother laughs at all my jokes. ‘friend and mother’ were supposedto be the subjects however, the verb agreed to another subject at the end ofthe sentence which is ‘all my jokes’. 
I would say c because it explains has a spot somewhere in the cupboard

In honor of National Play-Doh Day, our family (will construct) a Play-doh snowman family in the front yard. What is the form of the parenthasized verb? subjunctive imperative indicative passive


The form of the verb that is parenthesized in the sentence is indicative. An indicative mood of the verb tells that something is actually happening or is going to happen. In the given sentence, the verb "will construct" states that they are going to do something on National Play-Doh Day. It is a given fact in the sentence.
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