After World War I, Americans wanted to... build up their army and navy to defend against possible attack.

have nothing to do with foreign countries and isolate the U.S. from other world problems.

sign treaties with the European nations to assist each other if attacked in the future.

support the League of Nations in every way possible to avoid any future wars.


Answer 1
Answer: have nothing to do with foreign countries and isolate the U.S. from other world problems. 

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Britain and the US believed that Unions would be bad for the economy  - this is the correct answer.

Actually, the answer that Unions would work towards reducing working hours is also correct, but it's not the whole reason: and it's also a part of why they believed Union would be bad for the economy. (so the answer "would be bad for the economy" already encompasses the answer of "would reduce the work hours")


B-Would be bad for the economy


your welcome and have a great day.

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One such sentence could be this: "The Virginia Plan, unlikely the New Jersey Plan, called for representation in Congress to be proportional to state population size."


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