Identify two organisms in the food web that compete for food.


Answer 1


Hawks, foxes


Producers: Cacti, bushes, acacias, flowers, brush.

Primary Consumers: Insects, lizards, rodents.

Secondary Consumers: Tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, snakes.

Tertiary Consumers: Hawks, foxes.

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Explain why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom


Because energy is wasted as heat, there is less energy available as food for organisms at each level above so ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than the bottom.

What is Ecological pyramid?

  • .An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the relationship between diverse living organisms at various trophic levels.
  • These pyramids have the shape of true pyramids, with the widest base and the lowest trophic level, i.e., producers, covering it.
  • The following trophic level, i.e. main consumers and so on, is occupied by the next trophic level.
  • The uppermost level of an energy pyramid has the fewest animals since it has the least amount of energy.
  • Most ecosystems only have four trophic levels since there isn't enough energy to support another at a certain point.
  • The energy produced by the plants is distributed to the a pex predator in the amount of 0.01 percent.
  • As a result, it makes logical that the pyramid's tiers grow smaller and smaller as you progress up the pyramid.

To know more about Ecological pyramid here


The ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows the very much like amounts of energy or matter contained within each level. That's why it is shaped smaller at the top than at the bottom because the bigger it is the more the organisms are there are. So the bottom has more living organisms and the top has less. Hope this made sense and helped

What steps are considered when constructing a recombination map using a three-point test cross?


Constructing a recombination map using a three-point test cross is a fundamental process in genetic mapping to determine the order and relative distances between three linked genes. Here are the general steps involved in this process:

1. **Select Appropriate Organism**: Begin by selecting an organism with traits controlled by three genes that you want to map. Ensure that these genes are located on the same chromosome.

2. **Create a Heterozygous Individual**: Start with an individual that is heterozygous for all three genes of interest (AaBbCc, for example). One chromosome should carry the dominant allele, and the other should carry the recessive allele.

3. **Perform Test Cross**: Cross this heterozygous individual with a homozygous recessive individual (aabbcc). This will produce progeny with a variety of allele combinations.

4. **Observe Progeny Phenotypes**: Examine the phenotypes of the progeny resulting from the test cross. Record the number of individuals with each phenotype. These phenotypes are crucial for calculating recombination frequencies.

5. **Calculate Recombination Frequencies**: Use the phenotypic data to calculate recombination frequencies between the three genes. Recombination frequency is the proportion of offspring that show a recombination of alleles (different from the parental combination).

6. **Determine Gene Order**: Analyze the recombination frequencies to determine the order of the three genes on the chromosome. The gene with the highest recombination frequency with the others is likely to be in the middle, while those with lower recombination frequencies are on the ends.

7. **Calculate Map Distances**: Calculate map distances between the genes based on the recombination frequencies. One map unit (centimorgan) corresponds to a 1% recombination frequency.

8. **Interpolate Cross-Over Frequencies**: If the recombination frequencies are not whole numbers, interpolate to estimate the exact cross-over frequencies between genes.

9. **Create a Recombination Map**: Construct a genetic map that shows the order and relative distances between the three genes. Include map distances in centimorgans.

10. **Validate the Map**: Perform statistical tests or additional crosses to validate the accuracy of the map.

These steps help geneticists create a recombination map, which provides valuable information about the genetic linkage and the physical arrangement of genes on a chromosome.

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are dependent upon carbohydratesproteinsfats for their absorption by cells.


False, the description is incorrect.

The only right answer is oil or lipid or fats. These lipid macromolecules are the only substance needed in order for these vitamins A, D E and K to be absorbed by the cell and be used in many cellular activities. 

Thomas records the masses of several rocks as 7.40 g, 7.85 g, 7.60 g, and 7.40 g. What is the mode of Thomas’s data set?


Basing on the data gathered by Thomas we can say that the mode of the data gathered is 7.40 grams. This is because mode of the date set is define as the response that has the greatest or the highest number of tallied results. Since 7.40 grams has two tallied results and other number has only one.





Which is used to measure distances in degrees from the prime meridian?equator


Longitude is used to measure distances in degrees from the Prime Meridian. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. The main purpose of longitude is to determine the east and west position of a point based on its geographical coordinate. I hope the answer helps you.
The answer is longitude. 

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look up traffic rules on whatever state you live in and it will tell you everything :) not much of an answer but thats all i have <3

U die in a fire and decrease in your organically