In 1904, the Supreme Court ruled that whichof the following was a “combination in
restraint of trade”?
(A) Sherman Antitrust Act
(C) Grange Movement
(D) Standard Oil Company
(E) Northern Securities Company


Answer 1
Answer: The only Supreme Court of these cases that took place in 1904 was (E) Northern Securoties Company 

Answer 2

e. northern securities company

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Its B


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The correct answer is C) if the had to deal with any climate changes.

The artifacts discovered can tell you about this society if the had to deal with any climate changes.

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b. twenty states passed laws that made segregation illegal.
c. twenty states passed laws that enacted segregation laws.
d. the formation of the Ku Klux Klan.


In 1890, twenty states passed laws that enacted segregation laws. This happened because of the Southern states. The Southern states were not accepting the terms given to the states by the Reconstruction after the Civil War. One example was Florida, they made a law saying whites and blacks will never be able to marry. In Georgia, a white business owner could refuse to serve a black person. The correct answer is C.

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