What is the relationship between Irawaddy's child and albinism?A.Irawaddy’s child is born an albino.

B.Irawaddy’s child is not born an albino.

C.Albinism never occurs.


Answer 1

Answer: A.Irawaddy’s child is born an albino.

Irawaddy is Rukmani's eldest child, and her only daughter. She marries at a young age, but is returned to her family because of her inability to bear children. Because of their poverty, Irawaddy is forced to work as a prostitute, and she eventually gets pregnant. Her child is born an albino, which causes him to be an outcast in the village, as well as a reminder of the mother's transgressions. However, Irawaddy loves him, and never loses her dignity even in the face of such adversity.

Answer 2
Answer: A. Irawaddys child is born an albino. He was always made fun of because he was.

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