Conflicts in The Diary of Anne Frank arise due to emotional differences and limited resources. These conflicts disrupt harmony and survival strategies in the Secret Annex. Increased fear, personalities clash, and scarcity of resources might give rise to further conflicts.
There are several conflicts which have developed among the characters by the end of Act 1 Scene 3 in The Diary of Anne Frank. The first major conflict is between Anne and her mother, which is an emotional conflict stemming from their vastly different personalities. This conflict is dangerous as it can affect the mood and stability in the Secret Annex. Another significant conflict is between Mr. van Daan and the others over the limited resources available. This conflict is dangerous for obvious reasons - disputes over resources can disrupt overall harmony and survival strategies.
Based on the steadily increasing tension, I predict additional conflicts might arise from increased desperation due to scarcity of resources, fear, and confinement. The differing viewpoints on survival strategies and differing personalities can further exacerbate these conflicts, posing a significant threat to their safety and well-being.
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The oxymoron explains that a kindergarten teacher has to do multiple, unrelated tasks at the same time.
An oxymoron is defined as the combination of incongruent or contradictory words. It is a figure of speech, the contradiction is also known as a paradox and writers use it to add humor, irony or sarcasm to their histories.
By putting together the words control and chaos, the writer is trying to show that although it may seem that the situation in the kindergarten overwhelmed the teacher. It is not as bad as it appears.
I hope this answer helps you.
the right answer is ; Hopelessnes