Which of the following is true for compounds?They can be separated into their component elements through physical means.
They can be created by chemical reactions.
They can consist of no more than two types of elements.
They all have the same properties regardless of their elemental composition.


Answer 1
Answer: They can be created by chemical reactions.

Compounds have varying properties, depending on the compounds they are made from, and are created by chemical reactions.
Answer 2

Answer: The correct option is that the compounds are created by chemical reactions.


Option 1: Elements combine chemically in a specific ratio to form compounds. They can't be separated by physical methods like filtration. For example, H_2O is made up 2 H-atoms and 1 O-atom. When we filter water through normal filtration, we do not obtain H-atom and O-atom separately, but we get combined form of hydrogen and oxygen atom that is H_2O.

Option 2: Compounds are formed when two or more elements combine chemically.

2H_2(g)+O_2(g)\rightarrow 2H_2O(l)

Option 3: Compounds can have more than two types of elements. For example, In CaCO_3, 3 elements are present - Calcium(Ca), Carbon(C), Oxygen(O).

Option 4: Compounds formed have different properties from one another. There can be difference in physical properties as well as chemical properties. For example, H_2O (water) and CaCO_3 (calcium carbonate) are two compounds. Water is present in liquid state and calcium carbonate is present in solid state. Hence, it showed that all the compounds cannot have same properties.

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N2 + 3H2 mc033-1.jpg 2NH3 What is the percent yield of NH3 if the reaction of 26.3 g of H2 produces 79.0 g of NH3?


The balanced chemical reaction is:

N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3 


We are given the amount of H2 being reacted. This will be our starting point.

26.3 g H2 (1 mol H2 / 2.02 g H2) 2 mol O2/3 mol H2) ( 17.04 g NH3 / 1mol NH3) = 147.90 g O2


Percent yield = actual yield / theoretical yield x 100


Percent yield = 79.0 g / 147.90 g x 100

Percent yield = 53.4%


53.4 percent yield, the fourth option


Fossil fuels are made by the decay of living things. Because living things are always dying and decaying, why are fossil fuels not a renewable source of energy?A.They can only be formed by decay of reptiles.

B.They can only be formed by decay of swamp plants.

C.They take millions of years to form.

D.They can only be formed deep under the sea.


The answer is: C. They take millions of years to form.

Fossil fuel is a fuel formed by anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms.

If there was oxygen the organic matter would not decomposed and formed oil and gas, because there would be reaction of oxidation.

The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years

Fossil fuel is mixture (solution) consist of several different hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes...), aromatic compounds.

c. they take millions of years to form

How many moles of aluminum oxide can be made if 5.23 mol Al completely react



2..615moles of Aluminium oxide


4Al + 3O2 -------> 2Al2O3

(5.23mol Al)×(2molaAl2O3) /(4molAl)

2.615moles of Aluminium oxide

4Al + 3O2 --> 2Al2O3

(5.23mol Al)(2mol Al2O3/4mol Al) = 2.62mol Al2O3




1: C

2: a

3: B

4: D

hope this helps

Creates clouds, snow, sleet, rain and hail


hope this helps!!!


Water Cycle


Edge 2021

Oil flows upward in the wick of a lantern because of the liquid property calledA. density.
B. meniscusity.
C. viscosity.
D. capillarity.


Meniscusity the convex or concave upper surface of a column liquid, the curvature of which is caused by surface tension
Capillarity. Capillary action is what causes anything with a wick to work, think about when you stick the corner of a paper towel in water, the water soaks up the paper towel.