In dictionary entries, what does the abbreviation adj. mean? Adjective. It is an English dictionary abbreviation like adv. > adverb. You can abbreviate a long word by writing the first part of the word. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. In a dictionary, abbreviations are listed and explained as entries and are useful because it needs to squeeze a lot of writing into a small space.
Some readers may not know what an abbreviation means. So, make sure to explain what it means the first time you use it.
B. Because it was raining, Gladys stayed indoors.
C. Lois treasured her time off.
D. Terry and Rowena met Craig at the mall.
b. formulaic text
c. historical context
d. playful irony
Pomelos and oranges—types of citrus fruits—grow in tropical climates is the answer(the last one)
Dashes can be used like parentheses. This means that dashes can set off nonrestrictive (or nonessential) information within a sentence. In the correct answer, the phrase "types of citrus fruits" is nonrestrictive. The phrase provides extra information about pomelos and oranges. In addition, the sentence still makes sense without the nonrestrictive phrase.