you are moving fast on a skateboard when your wheel gets stuck in a crack on the sidewalk using the term inertia explain what happens


Answer 1


Inertia is the tendency or ability of a body to remain at rest or in uniform motion along a straight line in the absence of any external force. It is the reluctance a body displays when agitated or encountered by an external.

By the law of inertia, an object will always remain in its position of rest or state of uniform motion along a straight line until it is engaged with an external force.

To put it in other words;

When an object is at rest, it will want to remain at rest. If it becomes engaged with an external force it will display some reluctance before it changes its mechanical state.

Similarly, when an object is in uniform motion, it will want to continue with the motion. If an external force then interrupts it, it will also display some reluctance. This reluctance is in the form of it wanting to continue its motion irrespective of the force.

So therefore if I am moving fast on a skateboard and suddenly I become interrupted with a force, by the law of inertia my tendency is to continue the motion and this makes me exhibit reluctance in responding to the force. This reluctance will then make me to topple over and fall off if there is nothing to quickly hold unto. The more massive I am, the greater the effect of the topple. The inertia of an object is proportional to its mass.

Answer 2
Answer: When the wheels of the skateboard get stuck in the crack of the sidewalk, the riders inertia will continue forward and cause him to fall off/down.

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I only really know the "How do we use these EM waves in our lives?" part srry


EM waves are used to make sure you cellphone, radio, TV, and etc. have service/ connection.

Electromagnetic spectrum consists of
Radio waves
Visible light
Gamma ray

We use these everyday in our life however they also have dangers.

Radio waves - their long wavelength allows them to help with communication
Danger - exposure to a lot of radio waves can cause cancer or leukaemia

Microwaves - used for heating up food and transferring heat to the food.
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Infrared - can be used for remote controls and security cameras.
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Visible light - used for photography and optical fibres.
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Dangers - can lead to mutations and May damage the cells

Gamma- can be used to sterilise food and surgical equipment and kill microorganisms and other bacteria.
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Value of each charge is given as

q = 9.43 * 10^(-7) C


As we know that electrostatic force between two charges is given as

F = (kq_1 q_2)/(r^2)

here we know that

q_1 = q_2 = q

F = 0.800 N

r = 0.100 m

now we have

F = ((9* 10^9) q^2)/((0.100)^2)

0.800 = 9* 10^(11) q^2

q = 9.43 * 10^(-7) C

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C: "The students pass the envelope from one student to the next until it travels across the room."

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The answer is C.endothermic change.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡
endothermic change because there is no change in weight or mass. It is not exothermic because exothermic change  is a chemical or physical change that releases heat.

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No. The gravitational pull on all objects -9.8m/s/s.
Because there is no mass variable in order to find the rate at which objects fall, this means that mass does not have an affect on the rate at which objects fall.
You also must consider wind resistance but that's a more in depth concept.

You can watch a video on youtube called "Hammer vs. Feather - Physics on moon". It shows how on the moon (Where there is no wind resistance) how a hammer and a feather fall at the same rate