When authors use local color, what are they doing?They use the dialect of the common people.
They focus on characters, customs, and language common to a particular region.
They incorporate historical events from a particular region in their writing.
They write about things that happened out West.


Answer 1


They focus on characters, customs and language common to a particular region.

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D. because it has no comma and theres multiple places where theres reasons for this is a run on sentence.

what are the rights and responsibilities of a person when executing freedom of expression during verbal interpersonal conflicts?


They have a right to express what they think and feel but they have to do so with respect and in a manner that would resolve conflict.  Some people just say things that though is the truth, it just make a bad situation worse. You have to choose your words carefully or people will take the wrong way.

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Note that the author's last name is Bipin. Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license Bipin

Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence?

“Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license (Bipin)?”

Should states “require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license” (Bipin)?

Should states, “require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license?” Bipin.

“Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license?” Bipin.


According to the grammar rules for citation in text, the author name should go inside parenthesis and the punctuation should go after the parenthesis, for theses reasons the proper punctuation should be Should states “require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver’s license” (Bipin)?

In which one of the following sentences is the semicolon used correctly?A. Donald has three sisters; Carla, Donna, and Maggie.
B. Jacob, who plays in the orchestra; has a solo in the concert.
C. The wind howled through the trees; I became terribly afraid.
D. Whenever I feel afraid; I think of Aunt Margaret.


C is the correct answer. A semi colon indicates a pause between two main clauses. Example A has only one clause and examples B and D have only one main clause.

Subject-auxiliary inversions not associated with questions


A. helping verbs
Have, has, had, having are what kind of words 

"To have" is a modal. Both modals and be verbs are called auxiliary verbs. 
Examples of modals: have, may, shall, can
Be verbs: be, am, is, are

Auxiliary verbs are  also called helping verbs. They are non-action verbs that only serve as a support to the main verb. Hence, they need ACTION VERBS. For example, we say "She HAVE dreamed about unicorns." and "We ARE eating the food our mother made." "Have" and "are" are auxiliary verbs helping the action verbs "dreamed" and "eating".

Final answer:

Subject-auxiliary inversion mostly occurs in questions but can also occur in non-question sentences, like the 'Just because...doesn't mean...' construction. This tends to create mixed sentence construction, which is less clear and not ideal for formal writing. Understanding and adhering to basic grammatical rules, like pronoun cases and subject-verb agreement, can enhance writing clarity.


The student's question is referring to a grammatical concept in English language known as subject-auxiliary inversion. This typically occurs in interrogative sentences where the auxiliary verb comes before the subject. However, it can also occur in situations other than questions, such as in negative expressions, conditional clauses, or in sentences that begin with certain adverbs.

A common instance that doesn't fit the interrogative format is the 'Just because... doesn't mean...' construction. While this is commonly used in speech, it's not recommended in formal writing as it results in a mixed sentence construction. The sentence structure lacks clarity and could confuse readers. Understanding and correctly using subject and object personal pronouns, maintaining subject-verb agreement, using pronouns clearly, and avoiding mixed sentence constructions can improve the effectiveness of your written communications.

Learn more about Subject-auxiliary inversion here:



Propaganda is an unacceptable type of writing that promotes only problems and encourages a narrow viewpoint about things. true or false


True an encourages conflict 
that is True

Hope this helps ^-^