firstly the exel program is very useful to costumer or to calculate by Microsoft. People use it to company or office. It works for make good commination
The UDP server described needed only one socket, whereas the TCP server needed two sockets because:
UDP uses one socket and TCP requires two sockets in a transmission because UDP is a way one connectionless protocol but TCP is connection oriented.
The TCP server that supports n simultaneous connections would require n sockets, ranging from 1 through n.
A socket is a fusion of a port number and a source IP address using a colon.
UDP is a transport layer protocol that is unreliable, because it does not need to establish connection to transmit packets and does not retransmit dropped packets. TCP is another transport layer protocol that is reliable, establish connection and retransmit dropped packets.
For a UDP, only one socket would be created to transmission. A socket on the client side and server side would be created in TCP connection. A server can have multiple sockets for one or different transmission protocols.
vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")
word = input("Enter a word: ")
is_all = True
for c in vowels:
if c not in word:
is_all = False
if is_all == True:
print(word + " is a vowel word.")
print(word + " is not a vowel word.")
Initialize a tuple, vowels, containing every vowel
Ask the user to enter a word
Initially, set the is_all as True. This will be used to check, if every vowel is in word or not.
Create a for loop that iterates through the vowels. Inside the loop, check if each vowel is in the word or not. If one of the vowel is not in the vowels, set the is_all as False.
When the loop is done, check the is_all. If it is True, the word is a vowel word. Otherwise, it is not a vowel word.
In your "count spaces method" before the for loop, you want to declare an int variable (let's call it spc)
then, each time you find that charat, spc++.
also, the string must be declared in the main method, not the spaces count method.
The actual code:
public class CountSpaces{
public static void main(String[] args){
String instring = "(your quote here)";
int spaces = calculateSpaces(instring);
System.out.println("The number of spaces is " + spaces);
public static int calculateSpaces(String in){
int spc = 0;
for(int i= 0; i<in.length; i++){
if(in.charAt(i)== ' '){
return spc;
that should be it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
A computer processor stores numbers using a base of 16. The correct option is d).
A computer processor is a computer processing unit that is a CPU. CPU controls all the functions of the computer. It stores memory, and it has two types of memory. Short-term and long-term. It executes all the instructions given to the computer.
The design expert discusses the project three-dimensionally at this point in the process. To define the character of the finished project and an ideal fulfillment of the project program, a variety of potential design concepts are investigated.
The different kinds of computer processors are: microprocessor, microcontroller, embedded processor, digital signal processor
Therefore, the correct option is d). 16.
To learn more about computer processors, refer to the link:
The height of the ball after t seconds is h + vt - 16t 2 feet:
def main():
def getInput():
h = int(input("Enter the initial height of the ball: ")) # Adding the int keyword before input() function
v = int(input("Enter the initial velocity of the ball: ")) # Same as above
def isValid(h,v):
if ((h <= 0) or (v <= 0)):
print("Please enter positive values")
def maxHeight(h,v):
t = (v/32)
maxH = (h + (v*h) - (16*t*t))
print ("\nMax Height of the Ball is: " + str(maxH) + " feet")
ballTime(h, v)
def ballTime(h,v):
t = 0
ballHeight = (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t))
while (ballHeight >= 0):
t += 0.1
ballHeight = (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t))
print ("\nThe ball will hit the ground approximately after " + str(t) + " seconds")
# Driver Code
I am writing a python code.
def getInput():
h = int(input("enter the height: "))
v = int(input("enter the velocity: "))
def isValid(h,v):
if (h<= 0 or v<=0):
print("not positive ")
height = maximumHeight(h,v)
print("maximum height of the ball is", height," ft.")
balltime = ground_time(h,v)
print("The ball will hit the ground after", balltime, "s approximately.")
def maximumHeight(h,v):
t = (v/32)
maxheight = (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t))
return maxheight
def ground_time(h,v):
t = 0.1
heightofball = (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t))
if (heightofball <= 0):
t += 0.1
return t
There are four functions in this program.
getInput() function is used to take input from the user which is height and velocity. h holds the value of height and v holds the value of velocity. input() function is used to accept values from the user.
isValid() function is called after the user enters the value of height and velocity. This function first checks if the value of height and velocity is less than 0. If it is true the message not positive is displayed. If its false then maximumHeight() is called which returns the maximum height of the ball and function ground_time() is called to return the time when the ball will hit the ground.
maximumHeight() function first divides the value of velocity with 32 as the ball will reach its maximum height after v/32 seconds. It then returns the maximum height by using the formula: heightofball = (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t)).
ground_time() calculates the time the ball takes to reach the ground. There is a while loop to height after every 0.1 second and determine when the height is no longer a positive. It uses (h + (v*t) - (16*t*t)) formula to calculate the height and when the value of height gets less than or equal to 0 the loop terminates otherwise it keeps calculating the height while adding 1 to the value of t at each iteration. After the loop breaks, it returns the value of t.
To see the output of the maximum height and time taken by ball to reach the ground, you can call the getInput() function at the end of the above program as:
enter the height: 9
enter the velocity: 10
maximum height of the ball is 10.6525 ft.
the ball will hit the ground after 1.2 s approximately.
Answer: I would suggest you consider your audience and how you can connect to them. Is your presentation, well, presentable? Is whatever you're presenting reliable and true? Also, no more than 6 lines on each slide. Use colors that contrast and compliment. Images, use images. That pulls whoever you are presenting to more into your presentation.