Describe the weather and the temperature for the four seasons in your city or town and do the same for two other cities or towns in the United States in Spanish.


Answer 1



here are some weather words and phrases you can use!

Hace calor = it's hot

está lloviendo = it's raining

está nevando= it's snowing

hace viento= it's windy

hace frío = it's cold

___ grados centígrados = ___ degrees celsius (since most spanish speaking countries use celsius)

the SEASONS are

el invierno = winter

la primavera = spring

el verano = summer

el otoño = autumn

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a. tienes que ir al banco
b. tienes que ir al parque
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A) tienes que ir al banco

de nada lol

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The question is asking which is cheapest not what they finally agree on. So the answer is 820,000



Answer is 820.000



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it should be right but im so sorry if its wrong

Fernando compro dos lamparas nuevas.

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True or false





the answer is true for this question

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The name is The Llanos or El Trópico.


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the llanos or el trópico.

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Equipaje means Luggage.




sorry I was late