What are the prefix, root, and suffix in the word enactment?


Answer 1

The prefix is en-, the root is act, and the suffix is -ment.

A prefix is a part of a word which is added before the root word. It is always written with a dash (en-). A root word is the primary part of a word to which prefixes and suffixes are added. A suffix is a part of a word which is added after the root word. It is also always written with a dash (-ment).

Answer 2
Answer: prefix- en, root- act, suffix- ment :)

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In Egyptian mythology, Hathor is a(n) ___ goddess who has the head of a cow.A.ursine





D is the correct answer.

This is because 'bovine' is another way to say cow.

When assembling a writing plan for an essay, which of the following should come first?a. The general idea of your essay
b. Material that catches the reader's interest
c. A brief summary of your conclusion
d. The first section of the body of your essay.


B. the material that catches the readers interest
or A.

How do the freedoms outlined in the declaration protect individuals from today's global issues of terrorism and nuclear warfare?


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly as the result of the experience of the Second World War.

The freedoms that are outlines in the declaration protect individual from today’s global issues of terrorism and nuclear warfare by stating that all human rights should be protected by the rule of law.

In article Three it states the following;
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

The universal acceptance of the declaration and it’s incorporation in the constitutions and laws of many countries is what most protects individuals from today’s global issues of terrorism and nuclear warfare

I hope this helps, Regards.

Which of the following would a biography not contain?facts and dates
story elements
imaginative details
a theme



Imaginative details


A biography is an account of the course of someone's life, especially one published, that may include the person's date birth, others facts or dates, family, figures that influenced them, story elements, and their experience in education, relationships, and work. So, since a biography is an account of someone's life that needs to be as accurate as possible, to include imaginative or fake details, the biography would lose its credibility.

c imaginative details.................

Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence.No one is expressing their opinion.
reference or case or agreement?


The type of pronoun error in the sentence is:

  • Agreement Error

What is an Agreement Error?

An agreement error occurs when the subject in question does not agree with the pronoun that describes it.

In the example provided, the agreement error stems from the use of their in the sentence. His or her should be used instead of their which is sweeping in nature.

Learn more about agreement errors here:



This antislavery crusader was known as the “conductor” of the underground railroad:A. Harriet Tubman
B. Olaudah Equiano
C. Soljourner Truth
D. Frederick Douglass


Harriet Tubman was the conductor of the underground railroad. She led many slaves free. Also, as we already know, she had a nickname, 'Moses' because she freed many slaves as Moses also freed slaves of Israel. 

Answer: A) Harriet Tubman
The answer is A.Harriet Tubman