Three sources of energy developed during the Industrial Revolution were coal, steam, and:horsepower
water power
electric power


Answer 1


The answer is......


.....poto :)

Answer 2

Final answer:

During the Industrial Revolution, coal, steam, and electric power were the three primary sources of energy developed. These made significant influences in mechanizing manufacturing processes and industry operations in the 18th to 19th centuries.


During the Industrial Revolution, three key sources of energy significantly developed were coal, steam, and electric power. The Industrial Revolution, spanning from the 18th to 19th centuries, was marked by a significant shift in manufacturing processes changing from manual operations to more mechanized, machine-based production.

Coal was dug and mined and served as a main source of fuel for the steam engines. Steam, produced through heating water using coal, was used to power machines, particularly the steam engine. The discovery and development of electric power, although late to the period of Industrial Revolution, had a significant impact. The commercialization of electricity revolutionized industries, leading to the development of electrically run machines and appliances.

Learn more about Sources of Energy During Industrial Revolution here:


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The correct answer is True


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T Object]User: Henri-Philippe Petain became the 29 premier of what government of occupied France?
A. De Gaulle government
B. 29 government
C. Vichy government
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Vichy Government

The government was based from the southern french spa town of Vichy. It was a term of surrender following the German invasion of France, the Germans controlled northern france including Paris.

Hope I helped and please rate my answer :)