Describe a happy experience from your life. What happened? When did it happen? Be sure to use at least 5 complete Spanishsentences for your response.
You will be graded on (a) pronunciation, (b) thoughtfulness of the response, and (c) overall quality and correctness of each


Answer 1
Answer: Mi día de felicidad es lo que yo lo llamo, era ase mucho así que no me acuerdo de todo pero era un día en el parque. Estuvimos jugando yo y mis amigos, todos estaban en el parque porque era el cumpleaños de un amigo. Recuerdo un pastel de nieve y una piñata extraño que no conocía, explotó la piñata con los golpes del palo y dulces callo. Yo y mi hermana agarramos unos dulces y los comimos, aunque ya se iba a terminar la fiesta todos nos disfrutemos con el tranquilidad. Yo pienso que era el mejor experiencia porque me di cuenta que mis amigos son los mejores.

Related Questions

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Escribe un párrafo sobre la importancia de España para el mundo de habla hispana[Translation: write a paragraph about the importance of Spain to the Spanish-speaking world]
Éste es un muchacho. El muchacho se llama Marcos.Es de Ohio. Tiene 13 años. Su cumpleaños es el 3 dediciembre. Marcos es inteligente y atlético. No esserio. Es cómico. Le gusta jugar videojuegos ypracticar deportes. Tiene una familia grande. Hay 6personas en su familia. También tiene 2 gatos. Sellaman Biscuit y Boots.
My friends and i ____________________ pepe's party. i go you come on from
Libro son espejos que sólo se ve en ellos lo que ya tiene en su interior.

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no sé ocupo puntos perdón

Need help with these one



leer jugar estiiudia almorsar dormi y cocinar


(1) El torneo de natación ____ el verano pasado.a. terminó
b. terminaba
c. terminé
(2) Cuando era pequeña (yo) ____ todos los programas infantiles.
a. vi
b. vieron
c. veía
(3) Daniel ____ todas sus cosas y se fue.
a. recogió
b. recogíais
c. recogíais
(4) Hace tres años que (nosotros) ____ esta casa.
a. comprábamos
b. compramos
c. compraron
(5) De niño me ____ jugar en el patio de mi casa con mis compañeros de clase.
a. encantó
b. encanté
c. encantaba
(7) _________ cuando ellos _________a la calle.
(8) Cuando (yo) _________ a la tienda ya _________ cerrada.
(9) De repente (yo) _________ de que (yo) _________ deberes.
(10) Normalmente yo _________mientras mi madre _________



1. terminó

2. veía

3. recogió

4. compramos

5. encantaba

7. Llovía, salieron

8. llegué, estaba

9. recordé, tenía

10. corría, veía


The Simple Preterite indicates an enunciated action that is considered finished. It applies to actions completed in the past that are not necessarily related to the factual status of the present situation.

It is used in Spanish to express:  actions that take place at a certain moment in the past in a timely manner or a new action that occurs in the past and that interrupts a course of action that was already in progress and that is expressed in the past tense.

On the other hand, the imperfect past tense of the indicative describes an action or state in the past whose time limits are not relevant, that is, a grammatical time of the past with a grammatical aspect. It is used in Spanish to express courses of past actions whose beginning and end are not specified

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preterite form of the verb ser:- Te acuerdas de Jorge?
- El _____ muy guapo!

A.) Eras
B.) Fue
C.) Estaba
D.) Era



D.) Era


- Te acuerdas de Jorge?

- El __era___ muy guapo!


D.) Era


D. era


Hope this helps!

In this activity, you will write a short blog entry, in Spanish, about any place you have visited. Include some facts about the place, such as its climate and information about tourist destinations. Also, include your personal opinions about the place, along with your recommendations for tourists who plan to visit. You can include information regarding any safety precautions that may be helpful for tourists visitors to know and suggestions for the attractions they should visit. In your blog, use the subjunctive to make recommendations and use vocabulary related to stating facts and opinions.



He visitado Florida, ¡es un lugar tan bueno y divertido para visitar! la playa es absolutamente hermosa. Florida es el estado más al sureste de Estados Unidos, con el Atlántico a un lado y el Golfo de México al otro. Tiene cientos de kilómetros de playas. La ciudad de Miami es conocida por sus influencias culturales latinoamericanas y su notable escena artística, así como por su vida nocturna, especialmente en la exclusiva South Beach. Orlando es famosa por los parques temáticos, incluido Walt Disney World.


I hope that helps. and Here's the translation:I have visted florida, Its such a good and fun place to visit! the beach is absolutely beautiful. Florida is the southeasternmost U.S. state, with the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. It has hundreds of miles of beaches. The city of Miami is known for its Latin-American cultural influences and notable arts scene, as well as its nightlife, especially in upscale South Beach. Orlando is famed for theme parks, including Walt Disney World.

In English, write six to eight sentences comparing cultural aspects of greetings in Spanish-speaking countries with greetings in your own culture. Use what you learned in the lessons to tell about three differences and three similarities. Please discuss non-verbal greetings and how respect is shown. You may also include verbal greetings, but do not simply translate phrases from one language to another.


Cultural aspects of greetings in Spanish-speaking countries and United States culture have many similitaries and differences.  

Among the similarities it is worth to mention the following:

1. In both cultures we use to say hello, how are you? or hola como estás? in informal conversations whenever you meet someone you already know.  

2. In formal conversations when you arrive to a place both cultures use to start greetings with good morning, good afternoon, good evening which in Spanish mean buenos días, buenas tardes and buenas noches.  

3. Also in both cultures we tend to say goodbye when we leave a place.


Latin Americans will usually greet friends and relatives more personally than do Americans.  

1. They give hugs - even the men! Men usually also greet woman with "besitos" meaning they touch cheeks while making a kissing noise with their lips.  

2. Woman also greet other woman with "besitos." These little kisses are purely friendly and have no romantic meaning.

3. in Argentina and Uruguay, men will also kiss men on the cheek when saying hello

Non verbal communication

1. Nonverbal language in Spanish culture is different from nonverbal culture in the United States. Be careful with hand gestures when visiting other countries. A thumbs-up to someone in the United States might mean something else in a different country.

For example, the hand gesture we use for "come here," the hand palm up with the index finger extending in and out three or four times, has a very different meaning in Latin America. It means that you are very romantically interested in the person and is considered a solicitation. To motion to someone in Latin America "come here" extend your hand palm down and move all four fingers in and out together three or four times.

The cultures of Spain are European culturesbased on a variety of historical influences, primarily that of Ancient Rome, but also the pre-Roman Celtic and Iberian culture, and that of the Phoenicians and the Moors.