Explain a polar molecules and give examples​


Answer 1
Answer: Ethanol is polar because the oxygen atoms attract electrons because of their higher electronegativity than other atoms in the molecule. Thus the -OH group in ethanol has a slight negative charge. Ammonia (NH3) is polar. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is polar.

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How does a lithium cation compare to a lithium atom? The cation is larger. The cation has the same radius. The cation is smaller. The cation has the same charge



             The cation is smaller.


                    Electronic configuration of Lithium atom is as follow,

                                                          Li =  1s², 2s¹

while, Electronic configuration of Lithium cation is as follow,

                                                         Li⁺  =  1s²

The Lithium Cation is smaller because,

i)   Less Energy Levels:

                                     As depicted in electronic configurations, the valence shell of Li atom is 2 while, that of Li cation is 1 as a result the distance of valence electrons and nucleus has decreased resulting in small size.

ii)   Less Shielding Effect:

                                        The effect in which the core electrons shield the valence electron from nucleus pull is known as shielding effect. In Li cation there are no core electrons hence, the electrons are more attracted towards proton resulting in small size.

iii)   More Nuclear Charge:

                                       In Li atom there are three protons and three electrons so, three protons attract three electrons and the game run some what balance. But, as tone electron is lost in Li Cation, the proton side gets stronger and apply more pull on electrons and made them more closer to the nucleus resulting in size decrease.

The correct statement is: The cation is smaller.

In a neutral lithium atom, there are three electrons surrounding the nucleus, distributed in different energy levels or electron shells. These electrons repel each other due to their negative charges, creating an electron-electron repulsion that tends to spread them out and increase the size of the atom.

When a lithium atom loses one electron to form a cation, it becomes positively charged. This loss of an electron reduces the electron-electron repulsion within the atom. With fewer electrons, the remaining electrons experience a stronger attraction towards the nucleus, since the positive charge of the nucleus is no longer balanced by the negative charge of the lost electron.

As a result, the remaining electrons are drawn closer to the nucleus in the lithium cation. The reduction in electron-electron repulsion and the increased attraction between the electrons and the nucleus cause the cation to have a smaller size compared to the neutral atom.

Hence, the lithium cation (Li⁺) is smaller than the lithium atom (Li)

Learn more about lithium here:


#SPJ 6

What was a direct result of the Bay of Pigs invasionin 1961?
(1) Fidel Castro was removed from power.
(2) Cold War tensions increased.
(3) The United States announced its Good
Neighbor policy.
(4) The communist government in Nicaragua was


A direct result of the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 was that "Cold War tensions increased", mainly because this put into question the boundaries of both states. 

2) Cold War tensions increased.

The Bay of Pigs invasion was carried out by Cuban exiles that had been trained by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  The Cuban counter revolutionaries failed and Kennedy was embarrassed. Within just  days, the force of exiles was soundly defeated by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, commanded by Fidel Castro.   In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs affair, Cuba requested that the USSR, as its communist sponsor, place missiles in Cuba to deter further US-sponsored action against the Castro regime.  

describe how the current modern atomic theory and model differs from the model jj Thompson proposed ?


J.J Thompson’s model shows a sphere with electrons that are moving around freely. However, Thompson’s model does not show protons or neutrons. The model that we have today gives a clearer structure showing protons, neutrons, and electrons inside an atom.

Formula for sulfur tetrafluoride


The answer is SFl4 tetra means four

The reaction converting glycerol to glycerol-3-phosphate can be represented as: glycerol + hpo42− ⟶ glycerol-3-phosphate + h2o. the gibbs energy for this reaction is δg∘ = 9.2 kj/mol. will this reaction be spontaneous if coupled with the hydrolysis of atp?



Yes, this reaction will be spontaneous.


A reaction is spontaneous if ΔG < 0.

The coupling of glycerol to glycerol-3-phospate with ATP gives:

glycerol + HPO₄²⁻ ⟶ glycerol-3-phosphate + H₂O ΔG = +9,2 kJ/mol

ATP + H₂O ⟶ ADP + HPO₄²⁻ ΔG = -30,5 kJ/mol

glycerol + ATP ⟶ ADP + glycerol-3-phosphate

ΔG = +9,2 kJ/mol - 30,5 kJ/mol = -21,3 kJ/mol

As ΔG<0, this reaction will be spontaneous

I hope it helps!


Yes; this reaction be spontaneous if coupled with the hydrolysis of ATP.


The reaction converting glycerol to glycerol-3-phosphate (energetically unfavorable) can be coupled with the conversion of ATP to ADP (energetically favorable):

Glycerol + HPO42 ⟶glycerol-3-phosphate+H2O

ATP + H2O⟶ ADP + HPO42− + H+