Online learning is extremely beneficial to many students, giving them a break from the constant stress of in-person school. Students are in the comfort of their own home, without teachers hounding them for work, pressuring them to fill out their papers. They are able to turn in assignments by the due date, and calm their minds while working at their own pace. While both beneficial, to the mind and academics, there is not a downside to online learning.
sadness and sympathy
anger and misunderstanding
curiosity and confusion
sadness and sympathy
The answer is Mark Twain.
Chalk is a kind of mineral.We give the name of mineral to every kind of solid substance such as sand, gravel, stone, coal, gold, silver, copper etc that can be dug out of the earth. Such things are called minerals, from the word mine, which signifies a hole pit or other kind of excavation cut into the earth for the sake of obtaining some useful or valuable substance not found on the surface.