Select the noun clause that completes the sentence and makes it grammatically correct.Teaching is _____________ .
the thing I want to do in the future
what I want to do in the future
which I want to do in the future
whatsoever I want to do in the future


Answer 1
Answer: It is What i want to do in the future.

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In the nineteenth century, a young, unmarried woman spending time with a man alone would have been an example of impropriety.


Over time/ages, there are actions that today can be understood to be acceptable when they were once unacceptable.  For instance, the standard actions for young women with regard to their interactions with men used to be quite strict.  It used to be considered improper for a young unmarried woman to be alone with a man.  This would be considered improper in the nineteenth century when it is completely acceptable today.  As such, it was deemed an impropriety.

I hurried out with him and got him a bicycle, and he flew off down Sixteenth Street on it, his legs so short that his feet could only follow the pedals half way round. I went back to my chambers to wait. . . . The authors’ most likely purpose for including the image in paragraph 8 is to


add comic relief


emphasize the innocence of the children


evoke nostalgia in the reader


present a satirical image reflecting the conflict


add credibility to the subject of this piece

Please explain why as well



B. emphasizes the innocence of the children.


  • In Ben B. Lindsey's (the author) story, he reflects the innocence of children of how they try to paddle the bicycle with small feet.

Which of these is a negative prefix?
A. phil-
B. re-
C. uni-
D. dis-


Negative prefixes, a prefix to make a sentence, or statement negative. They are placed and/or added at the beginning of words to change the meaning of it. Here are some common negative prefixes:

\sf un- (most \ common) \n \sf non- ( means \ 'not')\n \sf mis- (means \ wrong, \ bad) \n de- (means \ 'down') \n dis - (means \ 'not' \ or \ opposite)

Out of those negative prefixes, you can see that option D) dis- is in there. 

Answer: \fbox {D) dis- }


D, dis


phil: ex. philosopher, someone who thinks about things

re: ex. redo, to do again

uni: ex. unite, come together; more than one

dis: ex. dissapointed, upset; got less than expected

What is the function of the relative pronoun in the adjective clause? Albert Einstein, whose theories changed science forever, is a great inspiration to me.
a. direct object
b. possessive
c. subject
d. object of a preposition


b. possessive

Mushrooms, which come in many varieties, can be expensive.

Adjectiveclauses modify the noun or the pronoun in the sentence's main clause.The first thing to do is to identify the two clauses in the sentence.

First clause: Those may enter the park (the main clause)
Second clause: whose tickets have been punched (the subordinate clause)

Sinceadjective clauses generally start with a relative pronoun, it is clearthat the second clause is the adjective clause. The relative pronoun is"which". Another clue is that adjective clauses are always thesubordinate clause. It modifies the pronoun those.

What happened to Thomas Garrett? He was prosecuted for harboring slaves.
He stated that he would continue to help slaves even after he was punished for it.
He was fined for harboring slaves.
all of the above


All of the above is the correct answer.

He was a known abolitionist and at one point in time enough evidence was found about this which is why he was fined 4.5k US dollars, which was much more then than it is now due to inflation rates.

Examples of cliche in true grit


Clichés are words or phrases the is constantly or usually used to express a thought. Examples would be: it's a matter of time, waste of time, fit as a fiddle, etc.If this question asks about the movie True Grit (2010), then a cliché phrase example from the movie would be, "a man of true grit"