Where do major shifts in temperature occur in the atmosphere


Answer 1
The atmosphere is comprised of 5 layers, which are bounded by "pauses" where the maximum changes in thermal characteristics occur.
I hope I helped(:

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 Deep currents are driven by water temperature differences (warm at the equator, cold at the poles).

Answer:Surface wind-driven currents generate upwelling currents in conjunction with landforms, creating deepwater currents


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Look at the diagram of the rock cycle below.Which part of the cycle is missing?
mineral integration


From the diagram of the rock cycle the missing part is ( B ) ; Melting

Magma is a hot liquid/semi-liquid rock that is usually formed under the earth due to high pressure and temperature present in the inner core of the earth. magma is obtained by the melting down of existing rocks ( Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks ) under high pressure and temperature in the earths core.

Magma is released to the earth surfaces during volcanoes therefore the missing term  in the rock cycle is melting

Hence we can conclude that from the diagram of the rock cycle the missing part is Melting.

Learn more : brainly.com/question/23661578

answer B.

it’s melting

Why do you think that the nucleus was given this nickname


The nucleus is called "the brain of the cell" because it controls all of the activities in the cell. Like, how your mind tells your body to move.

Final answer:

The nucleus is often referred to as the 'control center' of the cell because it regulates the cell's functions and reproduction by using its stored genetic material (DNA). It directs growth and metabolism in the cell.


The nucleus of a cell is often referred to as the 'control center' because it guides the cell's activities. This nickname is given because the nucleus contains genetic material, or DNA, which dictates all of the cell's functions and reproduction. In the same way a brain controls a body, the nucleus controls the cell. The nucleus's control extends to growth and metabolism. In essence, without the nucleus, the cell cannot function.

Learn more about Nucleus here:



Which of the following statements regarding the moon and Earth is correct? A. Earth and the moon are nearly the same age.
B. Earth is tidally locked, while the moon spins on its axis.
C. The moon is older than Earth by approximately 300 million years.
D. Earth and the moon have nearly the same mass.





It is believed that the moon was formed shortly (relative time) after the earth was newly formed. This occurred in a massive planet-sized collision that  ejected a huge chunk of the earth out into space. The chunk, still within earth gravitational reach, began orbiting the earth becoming the moon. Both earth and moon are slightly more than 4 billion years old.


A. Earth and the moon are nearly the same age.


These hypotheses are consistent with the evidence that shows rock from the moon and the earth have nearly the same age and composition.

Which process can produce either rain or snow


Hey! If you’re talking about the water cycle, it’s precipitation :)

I hope this helped, have a great day! :)