The correct answer is A.They provided consistent codes of law for their societies.
The Hammurabi's Code is an ancient set of laws from Mesopotamia that was based in the application of the law of talion, which states "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." This legal text was fundamental for the order of the Babylonian society. In the same way, the Ten Commandments were a fundamental legal text for the order of the ancient Hebrew society and, among other things, it stated "you shall not kill" and "you shall not steal." Both of them were rooted in religious beliefs.
b. Decentralized control
c. A horizontal organizational structure
d. Hierarchical control
A) A vertical organizational structure. In a vertical organizational structure, managers are at the top, supervisors in the middle, and workers who perform operative tasks at the bottom.
The structure is rigid, stiff, and hierarchical. Workers report to supervisors, and supervisors report to managers. There is no direct communication between people at the bottom and people at the top. Rules are strict and explicit, and many times extensive.
This management philosophy can result in efficiency, but it can also limit creativity and result in a higher turnover because workers might feel unappreciated or underemployed.
Life review
Life review is a near-death habit common in the elderly that makes them reminiscence on past decisions, resolutions and actions. This habit is personal and it is sometimes done unconsciously especially among people in the final years of their lives
A. distraction. was effective
1. Decimate- to reduce the amount in blocks or sizeable amounts.
2. Sustenance- food and drink; necessary foods in order to stay alive.
3. City-states- the ancient power structures which were cities that were fortified into independent units of strength.
4. Aristocratic- being of nobility or of a privileged upper-class.
1. The act of reducing or minimizing the number or size of any material or in general anything is known as decimation. It could also imply the very act of destruction of an item or any concerned thing.
2. Sustenance is the items like food and drinks that are primarily the main sources of one's survival. These items constitute the major and primary thing for an individual's survival.
3. City-states are those places of cities that were fortified and made into independent units. These ancient structures of fortified grounds are symbols of that particular state's strength and power.
4. Aristocracy is the social statues/ position of a particular group of people who are born of the nobility or in simple terms, the privilege upper class. These people normally have the advantage of holding or acquiring offices or titles based on their heritage/ from their inherited ancestors.