Allen runs 8 miles in 3 hours at a steady pace.  how long does it take him to run 3 miles


Answer 1
Answer: \begin{array}{ccc}8miles&-&3hours\n\n3miles&-&xhours\end{array}\n\n8x=3\cdot 3\n\n8x=9\ \ \ \ /:8\n\nx=(9)/(8)\n\nx=1(1)/(8)\ (h)

v=(8)/(3)\ mph\n\ns=3miles\n\nt=s:v\n\nt=3:(8)/(3)=3\cdot(3)/(8)=(3)/(1)\cdot(3)/(8)=(9)/(8)=1(1)/(8)\ (h)
Answer 2
Answer: It takes Allen 1 1/8 hours to run 3 miles.

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The area is rational because the numbers in the formula are rational.

Step-by-step explanation:

All repeating decimals are still rational because they can be expressed as fractions. For example,


So every recurring decimal must be a fraction.

Also every terminating decimal can be represented as a fraction.

0.25  =  (1)/(4)

So  the area is rational because the numbers are rational.

Area = (1)/(2) X Base X Height

Base is Rational and Height is Rational. Hence Area=Rational.

When these rational numbers are substituted into the formula,the area must be rational.


bro just say its C

Step-by-step explanation:

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 7064 1. 7140 21 i think im not shour what the number is
Count from left to right
1 is ones place
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4 is hundreds place
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then divide by 100
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simplified version would be 0.19x but the othe answer is (19x)/(100)
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