explain why the direction along which the electromagnetic wave travels is not the same as the direction along which the changing electric field is applied.


Answer 1
Answer: Electromagnetic fields and therefore waves are generated orthogonal to the electric current that generated it.

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jeremy is digging in the garden. he feels the spade hit a rock and stops digging immediately. explain how sensory, relay and motor neurons would function in this situation.


relay neurones allow sensory and motor neurones to communicate with each other. They would decide how to respond to the sensation of the spade hitting the rock by acting between the sensory and motor neurones.

Final answer:

In the situation where Jeremy is digging in the garden and feels the spade hit a rock, the functioning of sensory, relay, and motor neurons is crucial in his body's response to this stimulus.


When Jeremy was digging in the garden, he felt the spade hit a rock. This is sensation was facilitated by sensory neurons which picked up the external stimulation and sent the information in the form of electrical impulses from the nerves in his hands towards his spinal cord and brain. This sensory information travels to the brain via relay neurons, which are also known as interneurons. They reside within the central nervous system and transmit the signals from sensory neurons to appropriate areas of the brain for processing.

Upon processing the sensory data, the brain forms a motor response which is relayed back towards the muscles in his arms to stop digging. The 'stop digging' response is sent through motor neurons, which transmit the signals from the brain to the muscles in Jeremy's arms, causing him to stop the movement of the spade.

Learn more about Neuron Function here:



Identify and correct the faulty/unparallel structures in the following sentences and rewrite them to make all structures parallel: To finish her studies, finding a good job, and to make a happy family are Reyna's dreams for the future. After preparing the food, setting the tables, and waiting for everyone to arrive, Mother seemed tired and sleepy even before the party started. Some experts feel that our population is too large, but it will diminish. Most people prefer corn to eating sprouts.


Here are the corrected sentences with parallel structures:

1. Reyna's dreams for the future are to finish her studies, find a good job, and make a happy family.

2. After preparing the food, setting the tables, and waiting for everyone to arrive, Mother seemed tired and sleepy even before the party had started.

3. Some experts feel that our population is too large, but it will decrease.

4. Most people prefer eating corn to eating sprouts.

A new food source from the crossing of wheat and rye is called


Triticate is a crop species resulting from a plant breeder's cross between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale). It is produced by doubling chromosomes of the sterile hybrid that results when crossing wheat and rye. This doubling produces what is called a polyloid.


The answer is triticum!!!

Hope this helps!!!

Human blood groups are governed by three alleles, a, b, and o. a and b are codominant and o is recessive to both. if a woman with type o blood is expecting a child. her husband is typea. both the woman's father and her husband's father had type b blood. what is the probability that the child will have type o blood


The probability is half (1/2). I have attached an explanation along with the genetic diagram. Hope this helps and you can ask me any further questions you have about my explanation. :)

Gene expression in prokaryotes is regulated at which stage?


Gene expression in prokaryotes can be regulated at multiple stages including transcriptional and co-translational. Operons respond routinely to the presence of specific metabolites and change the availability of activators and repressors while speific end products of biosynthetic pathways can regulate the translatability of mRNAs for new proteins.