What is the relationship between pamper and spoil?


Answer 1
Answer: If you spoil someone you treat them with great or excessive kindness or generosity.
If you pamper someone you indulge them with a great deal of attention and comfort.
Answer 2

A) They are synonyms

Pamper - indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil.

Spoil - harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent.

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Words that sound alike are called A. homonyms.
B. homophones.
C. synonyms.
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b, homophones is your answer. a, homonyms are two words that have the same spelling, but different meanings. c, synonyms are words that mean the same thing but are spelled differently. d, antonyms are words that mean the opposite of eachother and are spelled differently

Which is true of a smoking cessation class? It will help identify “triggers” for cigarette cravings. The majority of people are smoke-free a year after completing it. It has been proven as the most effective way to quit smoking. It is only recommended to people who have failed to quit smoking using other methods.


The statement, which is true of smoking cessation class is this: IT WILL HELP IDENTIFY TRIGGERS FOR CIGARETTE CRAVINGS.

Smoking cessation class is a class that is tailored towards stopping tobacco smoking. Many smokers will like to stop smoking and few have actually attempted it unsuccessfully. Smoking cessation class helps smokers to successfully quit smoking by using diverse strategies. For these strategies to be successful, the class usually involves identifying individual factors, which trigger people to indulge in the habit of smoking.

Final answer:

Smoking cessation classes focus on identifying triggers for cigarette cravings and providing strategies to successfully quit. It's an option among various cessation methods and not exclusively for individuals who have failed other techniques.


A smoking cessation class is a type of therapy that provides information, motivation, and techniques to help individuals quit smoking. The primary objective of such a program is to help identify 'triggers' for cigarette cravings and provide strategies to deal with these. It's true that it aids in identifying triggers for cravings. Although some achieve long term abstinence, it's inaccurate to state that majority become smoke-free a year after the class. While this method helps many, it has not necessarily been proven as the most effective way of quitting smoking. Similarly, such a class is not only recommended for people who have failed other methods, but can be a first-line strategy as part of a comprehensive smoking cessation plan.

Learn more about Smoking Cessation Class here:



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The real Dante holds highly unfavorable views of his political enemies.


Dante Alighieri was a Florentine writer and scholar. He was born in Florence. He encouraged the White Guelf party in Florentine politics and was doomed to permanent exile following the Black Guelf success of 1301.

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Atendency to apply a rule of grammar at all times is a type of overgeneralization T

herest of the choices’ definitions are the following:
Anidiom by dictionary definition is an ‘expression that cannot be understood fromthe meanings of its separate words but that has separate meaning of its own’. 
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Volts is the measure of electrical potential including pressure and force.
The answer is 'b' a measure of electrical potential

Select all of the following that are essential to an effective introduction to a literary analysis.A memorable clincher
The author and title of the work
A description of the setting
A thesis statement about the theme
A very brief summary of the text



Trust is like a mirror; once it has been shattered, nothing ever looks quite the same.



In "Rappaccini's Daughter," Hawthorne portrays the effects of betrayal of trust in order to demonstrate that all in this world is untrustworthy and death is the only certainty as prescribed in penalty for man's betrayal of God.


Topic Sentence

Perhaps the deeper cause of the tragedy lies in fact that neither Giovanni nor Rappaccini love or trust Beatrice more than his ideology.


Concrete Detail

As she dies from the antidote, she charges Giovanni with her death saying, "Farewell, Giovanni. Thy words of hatred are like lead within my heart...Oh, was there from the first not more poison in thy nature than in mine?" (420)



So Giovanni, like Rappaccini, is betrayed by this illusive faith in an intellectual human construct.



This story goes beyond mere tragedy, however.



Rappaccini is confronted with his treachery by Beatrice in her dying moments when she asks,



Still, wages of betrayal are more heinous than life.



She turns from the poison with which her father nourished and sustained her and accepts the antidote which Giovanni, her lover offers her.


Parenthetical Citation


Select all of the following that could serve as a hook for the introduction of a literary analysis.

Correct Answers:  

An analogy or metaphor

A meaningful quotation

A universal idea

A startling fact


The conclusion is arguably the hardest paragraph of an analysis to write. Select all of the following that may be used to make a conclusion memorable rather than redundant.

Evaluating an author's success in conveying his/her message

Offering an opinion of the value or significance of the text

Using one or two interesting direct quotations from the text


Select all of the following that are essential to an effective introduction to a literary analysis.

The author and title of the work

A thesis statement about the theme

A very brief summary of the text

Just did this, got a 40/40 somehow. enjoy.

Final answer:

An effective introduction to a literary analysis should include a thesis statement about the theme, the author and title of the work, and a brief summary of the text.


  1. A thesis statement about the theme: An effective introduction to a literary analysis should include a clear and concise thesis statement that states the main theme or argument of the analysis.
  2. The author and title of the work: Providing the author and title of the work being analyzed helps establish credibility and gives the reader important context.
  3. A very brief summary of the text: Giving a brief summary of the text provides the reader with a general understanding of the plot or main ideas before diving into the analysis.

Learn more about literary analysis here:
