When writing a book review, the best first step is to a. introduce your reasons for liking or not liking the book's author.
b. summarize the plot of the book.
c. introduce the subject and the type of book you are reviewing.
d. review the story line of the book.?


Answer 1
Answer: C- introduce the subject and type of book.

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Will give brainliest to who answers the fastest and correctly."The bed was good, and the pajamas of the softest silk, and he was tired in every fiber of his being, but nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open. Once he thought he heard stealthy steps in the corridor outside his room. He sought to throw open the door; it would not open. He went to the window and looked out. His room was high up in one of the towers. The lights of the chateau were out now, and it was dark and silent; but there was a fragment of sallow moon, and by its wan light he could see, dimly, the courtyard. There, weaving in and out in the pattern of shadow, were black, noiseless forms; the hounds heard him at the window and looked up, expectantly, with their green eyes. Rainsford went back to the bed and lay down. By many methods he tried to put himself to sleep. He had achieved a doze when, just as morning began to come, he heard, far off in the jungle, the faint report of a pistol."Overall, the setting described in this passage from "The Most Dangerous Game" isA. colorful and pretty.B. silent and peaceful.C. noisy and crowded.D. dark and eerie.
When the suffix -ly is added to an adjective such as discreet, the word A. becomes an adverb.B. becomes a verb.C. becomes a noun.D. remains an adjective.
Average: 410. Which sentence is an example of faulty coordination?The movie was incredibly long, but we enjoyed it very much.O Helen and Evan went to see the movie, and it was a very good movie.Kari will go to the movie, and Kim will stay at home.The movie was long and boring.

what is the subject of the following sentence? As she slalomed lightning-fast around the moguls, Jessica knew she would win the race


 I think she is the subject 

Answer: The answer is Jessica

Explanation: Jessica is the one that's running the race.

)Select the correctly punctuated sentence.School began on a cold September morning.
School began on a cold, September morning.
School began on a cold September, morning.
School began on a cold, September, morning.


I'd say that the correct answer is the first one, 'School began on a cold September morning' because it seems the most natural. The last two examples are certainly incorrect, because the comma is placed in the wrong spot. But I am not sure about the second example, although I do think the first one is correct. 


It would be the first one :3 for sure. the other commas make no sense!!! silly goose this should be easy if you're in highschool!


Now, use the evidence gathered in part A to write a two-paragraph analysis about how Desai uses structure to createtension in "Games at Twilight." Write one paragraph explain how tension is created in the rising action and a second
paragraph about how tension is created in the climax. Be sure to revise your work to include phrases and correct spelling
before you submit your work.
TIP: If needed, review how to structure a good analysis paragraph.
Review the rubric to ensure your response meets expectations.
Claim on
Effects of
Revision of
Includes a precise claim and cites
relevant textual evidence that
shows the author's use of
Uses phrases to incorporate
details in the commentary that
help explain the impact of
structure. No spelling errors.
Includes a claim that does not clearly
connect to the task and cites textual
evidence that is not relevant to
understanding the text's meaning.
Lacks an accurate claim.
Lacks textual evidence.
Explains the use of structure but lacks a Lacks a clear or connected
explanation of the use
strong connection to its impact on
structure to create tension.
tension. Almost no spelling errors.
Many spelling errors.



In "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai, the author employs a carefully crafted structure to build tension throughout the narrative. During the rising action of the story, tension is masterfully created through the use of foreshadowing and the gradual buildup of anticipation. Desai introduces the game of hide-and-seek, a seemingly innocent childhood activity, and as the children engage in it, she skillfully hints at the consequences that might await the protagonist, Ravi, when he is chosen as the seeker. This foreshadowing plants the seeds of anxiety in the reader's mind, making each moment of Ravi's pursuit more suspenseful. As the other children find their hiding spots, Ravi's desperation and frustration increase, and the structure allows the tension to mount steadily, culminating in the climactic moment.

In the climax of the story, Desai's structural choices come to fruition, creating a powerful and emotional impact. As Ravi discovers the reality of his situation, being left in the dark storage shed as the other children forget about him, the tension reaches its peak. The structure accentuates the isolation and fear that Ravi experiences, as his world becomes confined to the tiny shed. The reader is drawn into the emotional turmoil of the character, feeling the intensity of the moment as if they were trapped alongside him. In this way, Desai's use of structure, from the initial foreshadowing to the climactic isolation, masterfully builds and sustains tension, making "Games at Twilight" a compelling exploration of childhood emotions and experiences.


(1) There's no doubt that Springdale needs a new high school. (2) The old Washington High School on Main Street is in disrepair. (3) It will cost thousands of dollars to make it a safe and modern place for students and teachers. (4) Yet, even if all that money is spent, the building will remain cramped and overcrowded. (5) The better course is to invest our money in a new, modern building. (6) Several sites have been suggested. (7) For the sake of our young people—and our teachers—it's time to give this matter our serious attention Which sentence in the paragraph is the topic sentence?A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 5
C. Sentence 7
End of exam
D. Sentence 2


I would say that Sentence 1 is the topic sentence - There's no doubt that Springdale needs a new school. This is so because the main idea of the paragraph is that one - that it cannot be fully repaired and so it needs to be rebuilt completely.

Why is deductive reasoning stronger than inductive reasoning?


Mostly because deductive reasoning is based on truthful and credible premises that combined together give a statement. Inductive reasoning is often based on previous experience, which might prove to be incorrect.


because it makes an assumption off of a supported idea



12- How did Tom manage to own so many possessions that makes him 'roll inwealth' as Twain states?


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, while researching, I was able to find a question like yours and I realized that your question refers to "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" written by Mark Twain.


According to Twain Tom became rich after finding a treasure and investing it.


"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is one of Twain's great works and addresses the adventures of Tom and his friend Huck, which are full of mischief and conflict, where topics such as friendship, companionship and trust are discussed.

At the end of the book, Tom managed to find a treasure of twelve thousand dollars. This has already made you rich enough. He shares that money with his friend, Huck. Both he and Huck invest that money in the city bank and get an interest rate of 6%, which increases their fortune to the point of letting them "roll in wealth", since this interest allows them to earn a dollar a day.