How did new railroads benefit western cattle ranchers?


Answer 1

Answer choices:

A. They provided a way to transport meat to eastern markets.

B. They allowed cowboys to travel easily between cattle herds and their homes.

C. They made it easier for ranchers to keep track of their herds.

D. They encouraged eastern cowboys to make a living in the West.

The correct answer among these is A. They provided a way to transport meat to eastern markets.

Answer 2

Final answer:

New railroads benefited western cattle ranchers by providing easier transportation to eastern markets, allowing them to sell their livestock for higher profits. The railroads also facilitated expansion and attracted capital investments from eastern businessmen.


New railroads benefited western cattle ranchers in several ways. The completion of the first transcontinental railroad and subsequent rail lines made it easier for cattle ranchers to transport their livestock to eastern markets. This created a profitable opportunity for ranchers to round up wild steers and sell them for a higher price in the East. Additionally, the railroads allowed ranchers to expand their operations and attract capital investments from eastern businessmen.

Learn more about Benefits of railroads for western cattle ranchers here:


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the corrct answer if im remembering correctly is b