Give the album to _____ Bob _____ Lisa.What kind of conjunction would complete both blanks in the sentence?


Answer 1
Answer: Give the album to both Bob and Lisa maybe?? Hope this helps :) This is a pair of correlative conjunctions :)
Answer 2

The answer is D. Correlative Conjunction

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Choose the correct pattern for the following sentence.1. Electric cars take several hours to recharge.
A. S-V-O (subject, verb, object)
B. S-V-IO (subject, verb, indirect object)
C. S-V-N (subject, verb, predicate noun/noun)
D. S-V-A (subject, verb, adjective)
I personally think it's 'D', but I'm completely unsure... I'd appreciate some feedback and an explanation, thank you!


The correct pattern for the sentence: "Electric cars take several hours to recharge" is option A. S-V-O. Subject, verb, object.

Electric cars is the subject (electric is an adjective and car a noun). Take is the verb and "several hours to recharge" is the object direct.

A direct object will follow a transitive verb which is a type of action verb. Direct objects can be nouns, pronouns, phrases, or clauses.

Direct objects may be single words as well asphrases or clauses. The pattern nevertheless works the same.

S-V-O is the answer to your question

Which prewriting strategy helps illustrate the relation between ideas and events.1. freewriting
2. clustering
3. webbing
4. listing


Clustering beacuse it allows you to see how ideas link together becuase all the variables in a cluster are linked

hope this helped

Your answers is A. freewriting

hope this helped

Which theme does the excerpt from "The Miller’s Tale" in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales reflect?


The theme of the miller's tale is ridiculing the society and organized religion by showing how corrupt it can be.

What theme is best supported by this passage from My Antonia? "The country girls were considered a menace to the social order. Their beauty shone out too boldly against a conventional background. But anxious mothers need have felt no alarm. They mistook the mettle of their sons. The respect for respectability was stronger than any desire in Black Hawk youth."
A) Tradition has a stronger pull than beauty.
B) Beauty is a stronger force than tradition.
C) Mothers have a very strong nifluence on their sons.
D) Country girls can have a dangerous influence.



B) Beauty is a stronger force than tradition.


The Black Hawk men were required to wed Black Hawk ladies and live appropriate lives, however they were enticed by the autonomous, free-living procured young ladies. The nation young ladies were in this way thought about something of a social hazard, yet Black Hawk men were in reality more covetous of decency than all else. While the employed young ladies can break free of conventional male-female imperatives, they do as such at a value: they lose social standing and decency. Indeed, determined town girls, if they chose, could very well become employed, but they would risk a number of social privileges.

Country girls have nothing to lose and just financial remuneration to gain. Be that as it may, however their homestead work makes them more appealing than town girls, they will never be totally acknowledged.

The nation young ladies don't generally undermine the social request since social weights demonstrate more grounded than male want. While their quality stirs things up to some degree, the norm unavoidably triumphs.


For me the right answer was A) Tradition has a stronger pull than beautyon the test


Got a 100 on Ed. 2020/2021

Which sentence in this excerpt from Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country" uses parallelism? In the fall the war was always there, but we did not go to it any more. It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early. Then the electric lights came on, and it was pleasant along the streets looking in the windows. There was much game hanging outside the shops, and the snow powdered in the fur of the foxes and the wind blew their tails. The deer hung stiff and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind and the wind turned their feathers. It was a cold fall and the wind came down from the mountains.


There was much game hanging outside the shops, and the snow powdered in the fur of the foxes and the wind blew their tails. Parallelism is the repetition of a similar grammatical structure or construction within a sentence. The most basic example of parallelism is when writing a list of actions. For example: Yesterday I cooked, cleaned and washed the dishes. Each one of the actions is written in past tense. Authors use parallelism for emphasis and to show a relation between ideas. In this sentence, the parallelism is "the snow powdered" and "the wind blew". The grammatical structures are similar.


The deer hung stiff and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind and the wind turned their feathers.


Despite its frozen landscape, West Antarctica is home to Mount Erebus. Erebus is a 12,448-foot volcano.Which choice shows the sentences combined by changing one sentence into a phrase?


Despite its frozen landscape, West Antarctica is home to Mount Erebus, a 12,448-foot volcano.