Kate Chopin primarily focused on a relevant social issue in the “The Story of an Hour.” Gender inequality was emphasized in the story wherein the 19th century, women had restricted freedom as compared to men. Mrs. Mallard, the widow in the story gained her freedom and realized the advantages of being a widow after her husband’s death.
female autonomy and independence
Helium has a very low density. It is used daily in weather balloons to carry instruments that record temperature, humidity, and pressure readings in the atmosphere.
People with breathing problems may be treated with a mixture of helium and oxygen. Helium atoms are small and light. A helium-oxygen mixture can be pumped in and out of the lungs more easily than air. Helium-oxygen mixtures are also used in breathing tanks of deep-sea divers.
Using information from the passage, which statement is accurate?
1.A noble gas mixes well with other elements.
2.Gases usually are chemically active.
3.Helium is an example of a chemically inactive gas.
4.Helium-oxygen mixtures are used in weather balloons.
Answer: 4.Helium-oxygen mixtures are used in weather balloons.
b. verb
c. preposition
d. adjective
B. Present
C. Past perfect
D. Present perfect
Answer: the correct answer is C. The mistress's desire to preserve her honor and chastity makes no sense because her body will be devoured by worms after her death.