Mention the importance of child rights


Answer 1


Child Rights Importance Child Rights are fundamental freedoms and the inherent rights of all human beings below the age of 18. These rights apply to every child, irrespective of the child's parent's / legal guardian's race, color, sex, creed or other status. The essential message is equality of opportunity.

Hope it helps!!!

Answer 2
Answer: Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults and also specific rights that recognize their special needs. Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of their own rights.

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the other dude was CORRECT


An empirical study by Huang, Siegfried and Zardoshty3 estimated a demand function for coffee in the United States between 1961 and 1977, using quarterly time-series data. The results were: ln Qt 1⁄4 1:2789 0:1647 ð2:14Þ ln Pt þ 0:5115 ð1:23Þ ln Yt þ 0:1483 ð0:55Þ ln P0 t 0:0089 ð3:326Þ T 0:0961 ð3:74Þ D1 0:1570 ð6:03Þ D2 0:0097 ð0:37Þ D3 R2 1⁄4 0:80 where Q = pounds of coffee consumed per head P = the relative price of coffee per pound at 1967 prices Y = per capita personal disposable income (in $,000 at 1967 prices) P 0 = the relative price of tea per quarter pound at 1967 prices T= the trend factor, with T = 1 for 1961-I to T = 66 for 1977-II D1 = 1 for the first quarter D2 = 1 for the second quarter D3 = 1 for the third quarter Questions 1 Interpret the PED for coffee; does price significantly affect consumption? 2 Interpret the YED for coffee; does income significantly affect consumption? 3 Interpret the CED between tea and coffee; does the price of tea significantly affect the consumption of coffee? 4 Why do you think that advertising expenditure is omitted from the equation? 5 Interpret the trend factor. 6 Interpret the seasonal pattern in coffee consumption in the USA. 7 How well does the model fit the data?


The estimated price elasticity of demand (PED) for coffee is -0.1647, which means that a 1% increase in the relative price of coffee leads to a 0.1647% decrease in the quantity demanded of coffee. .

The estimated income elasticity of demand (YED) for coffee is 0.5115, which means that a 1% increase in per capita personal disposable income leads to a 0.5115% increase in the quantity demanded of coffee.

How to explain the elasticity

The estimated cross-price elasticity of demand (CED) between tea and coffee is -0.0089, which means that a 1% increase in the relative price of tea leads to a 0.0089% decrease in the quantity demanded of coffee. The coefficient is small and statistically insignificant, suggesting that the price of tea does not have a significant effect on the consumption of coffee.

It is possible that advertising expenditure is omitted from the equation because it may be difficult to measure accurately or may not have a significant effect on coffee consumption. Alternatively, advertising may be captured in the error term of the equation.

The trend factor is included in the equation to capture the effect of time on coffee consumption that is not captured by the other variables in the equation. The coefficient on the trend factor is positive, indicating that coffee consumption has been increasing over time during the sample period.

The seasonal pattern in coffee consumption in the USA is captured by the dummy variables D1, D2, and D3, which take the value of 1 in the first, second, and third quarters, respectively, and 0 otherwise. The estimated coefficients on these variables suggest that coffee consumption is highest in the first quarter, lower in the second quarter, and lowest in the third quarter.

The R-squared value of 0.80 suggests that the model explains 80% of the variation in coffee consumption during the sample period. This is a relatively high R-squared value, indicating that the model fits the data well.

Learn more about PED on


Anita puts forward the idea that under capitalism, working people and the wealthy will struggle, and from this struggle a new kind of society will emerge. Her thoughts most closely mirror those of which theorist


The views expressed by Anita in saying that classes will struggle under capitalism is reminiscent of Karl Marx.

Beliefs of Karl Marx

  • He believed that the rich class was taking advantage of the working class.
  • He believed that the working class would one day rise up and struggle with the ruling class.

Karl Marx believed that after that struggle, a new society would be emerge where class would not be a thing and people would be more equal.

In conclusion, Anita's thoughts mirror Karl Marx's.

Find out more about Karl Marx at