Incredible is to believable as disinterested is to ?


Answer 1
Answer: Enthusiastic is the awsner 
Answer 2




An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. Analogies can use different types of relationships to compare words. "Incredible" and "believable" are antonyms, or opposites. From the drop-down menu, you need to select a word that would create an opposite pair with "disinterested." The opposite of "disinterested" is "enthusiastic."

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Why becoming an adult at the age of 18??





Before the passage of the 26th Amendment in 1971, 21 was the minimum voting age in most states—and thus served as the age of adulthood in most areas of law. Congress lowered the nationwide voting age to 18 as a response to unrest and passionate debate about the Vietnam War.

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The salem witch trials. They were accusing people of witchcraft due to their actions and if they felt sick.


If a compound-complex sentence is missing a dependent clause, what type of sentence would it most likely be?simple


Answer 4 cannot be it right off the bat, since compound-compound doesn't exist. 

If a compound - complex sentence loses the dependent clause, it is no longer complex, since complex sentences require a dependent and to independent clauses conjoined with a comma and conjunction such as "and". So answer 3 can not be it. 

So that leaves either simple or compound.

The sentence is still contains an independent clause from when it was compound-complex, therefore answer 2, compound, is the answer.


The answer is compound


How many times does 204 go into 34


all you do is divide 204 and 34 and your answer is 6
This is just 34 divided by 204, which is putting 34 of x into 204 groups, so obviously that's going to be a pretty long decimal.

34 / 204 ≈ 0.17

This is rounded.

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Larry and Marta argued all morning about whether Larry or SHE would do the dishes.

Does a british shorthair have shorthair?


yes he has short hair i had that qeustion at clark shaw

Final answer:

Yes, British Shorthairs do have short hair. Their name derives from their coat characteristics, and the breed is genetically consistent in having a thick, plush coat.


Yes, the British Shorthair does have short hair. Its name derives from its coat, which is typically dense and plush, resembling the texture of plush teddy bears. One hallmark of this breed is the genetic consistency in coat length, thanks to selective breeding over generations. This breed of cat has gained popularity due to its distinctive hair, round face, and well-knit body structure. Just like the kittens shown in Figure 1.12, British Shorthairs inherit genes from both parents, which contribute to these characteristics.

Learn more about British Shorthair here:
