There are two bottles of tomato ketchup, one weighs 720 g and costs £1.79, while the other weighs 460 g and costs £1.00. Which bottle gives better value for money? (Hint: you have to use ratios)


Answer 1
Answer: To\ find\ better\ value\ for\ money\ you\ can\ find\ price\ of\ 100g:\n\n720:100=72\n460:100=46\n\n1.79:72=0.025\n1.00:46=0.022\n\n460g\ ketchup\ is\ more\ profitable.
Answer 2
Answer: The better value would be the one that weighs 720 g and costs $ 1.79.

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You need to use the following equation - 2(pi) r .    r = radius and so put the circle's radius in the equation and multiply! 

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I have encountered this question before. Since only the product of the ages is given, there are a lot of possible combinations.

3 kids, has a youngest child - means that the 3 kids have different ages.

I performed a prime factorization on 72.

72 ÷ 2 = 36
36 ÷ 2 = 18
18 ÷ 2 =   9
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Possible age combination:

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The least possible value is -\frac{1}4
Well, not really :)) The two values must be both negative, so we can't take one of them to be 0.5! As we lower the values, however, the product grows, reaching 0 when x=0 and y=-1, and further increasing as x and y lower. Thus, we would actually take x=0 and y=-1.

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if\ x_1\ and\ x_2\ zeros,\ then\ quadratic\ function\:\n\nf(x)=a(x-x_1)(x-x_2)\n\n\n9;\ -4-zeros,\ then:\n\nf(x)=a(x-9)(x+4)=a(x^2+4x-9x-36)=a(x^2-5x-36)\n\n\nif\ a=1\ then\ f(x)=x^2-5x-36

2. Which of the following is the equation of a circle with the radius of 1.5 and its center at (-3,2)?A. (x+3)^2+(y-2)^2=1.5
B. (x-3)^2+(y+2)^2=1.5
C. (x+3)^2+(y-2)^2=2.25
D. (x-3)^2+(y+2)^2=2.25




Answer C