opinion is your take on the situation, it's not facts, it hasn't been proven, it's just what you think. truth is facts, it can be backed up by evidence. for example if I said in my opinion sharks are the best. that's an opinion because you can't prove that, it's bias. a truth would be, sharks grow back their teeth. that would be a truth because it can be backed up by evidence.
opinion is your own personal belief or preference however truth is fact and has been proven by science and experts
Similarity: it relies on the fact that, based on his design of the American government should be divided into three branches, one of which is the executive branch.The executive of the government would be the President of the United States, and would be elected by a system of electoral colleges.
Differences: Now, since his reference was the British system, he considered that the President should serve for a lifetime -or rather, during good behavior– would give stability to the executive office. Modern presidency time span is limited to a 4 time period
Shaping: In psychology, the term "shaping" is described as a phenomenon that involves the reinforcement process that is being administered repeatedly and is successively getting closer and closer to the approximations that give rise to the desired behavior.
The shaping techniques is considered as one of the behavioral modification techniques.
In the question above, Darren is using shaping to get his son to eat his peas.
b. a fascist dictatorship
c. an oligarchy
d. a monarchy