Stored energy is _____.


Answer 1
Answer: It is potential energy. 
Answer 2
Answer: ATP is your answer good luck

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A. True
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In conclusion, when a sperm meets an egg, the egg gets fertilized leading to pregnancy.
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Anime1life can you list the options so I can refresh my memory and list the correct answer for you.

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The Doppler effect suggests that sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming or going from the sound it makes. Light waves follow the Doppler effect also. However, instead of sound changing, you know if an object is coming or going _____.


from the brightness of the light of course. If the brightness is increasing it means the the light source is approaching and if the brightness is decreasing it means the light source is leaving.


The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.


The doppler effect is a physical phenomenon. This phenomenon allows us to perceive if an object is approaching or moving away through the wave effect that that object produces in relation to an observer. This is because when a wave is propagated the speed of that wave depends on the environment in which it is being emitted. For this reason, the speed of this wave will be constant even if the observer moves, but the frequency and movement of this wave varies in relation to the observer's position. In this case, the Doppler effect suggests that the sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming in or out of the sound it produces. The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.

During the rock cycle, rocks get broken apart by weathering, carried along by erosion, and eventually deposited in a body of water. What happens next?


After many years of pressure and possibly heat it will be compressed back into a form of rock such as sediment.

Compaction and cementation into sedimentary rock, then heat and pressure into metamorphic rock. this is correct answer

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The term for this idea was "The Spontaneous Generation Theory."