Write a 500 word essay answering the following questions.Did the Warren Court exceed its boundaries in issuing some of its decisions during the 1960s?
When Congress issued the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, how did that contribute to upsetting the checks-and-balances system?
What would happen if any of the three branches (executive, judicial, or legislative) were to greatly exceed its authority under the Constitution? (Pick one)


Answer 1


The Warren Court made decisions regarding segregation and civil liberties. The most famous court decision was Brown v. Board of Education which ended school segregation in America and began a wave of desegregation decisions. These decisions created uproar in the South and cause military intervention at times. Miranda v. Arizona was another famous Warren Court decision which better defined the Fifth Amendment and how a person must be informed on their rights when arrested. These cases were often racial in nature redefining civil liberties and due process of the law.Yes the Warren Court did exceed its boundaries in issuing some of its decisions during the 1960s. For example the court gave its decision regarding women suffrage and it was not taken well by many women of that time. Many women were forced to suffer the consequences of the decision given by the Warren Court in regards to women's suffrage.The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was a joint resolution which the United States Congress passed on August 7, 1964. It gave power to the president to use conventional military force without declaration of war. It basically gave more power to the president then checks and balances allow. In this case for the given question let us assume that it was the executive branch that had taken fore step and became more powerful. If such had happened the power resting upon the head of the society or the president would increase and the chances of being mistake in due to the presence of human emotions and flaws would come into action.  The decisions taken by the agencies would be biased and hence the laws that would be made would not necessarily benefits the society. When the US Constitution was written, the States feared a strong Federal Government. Because of the three branches system the US Constitution created a new system that revolutionized Constitutions around the world: the Checks and Balances system.  The Checks and Balances system is a system that the US Constitution created to give powers to each of those three branches to limit the power of the other branch. Each branch has typical and atypical powers, and those atypical powers are the ones that are used to limit the typical powers of other branches.  Because of that, if any of the three branches exceeds its authority the other branches have the power to stop this power and return the thing to status quo ante.  Example of this atypical powers is: The Power of Veto the President has, the Impeachment Power of the Congress and Power the judicial branch has to declare a law unconstitutional.  As you can notice, the Constitution created a system that autoregulates itself so that power and democracy are stable. The Warren Court has caused social change but one thing that the warren court has impacted positivily is that it broadened the individual rights of accused criminals. yes there is ups and downs to the warren court and it was a big thing in the 19th century but remembering on how of a impact it was has gave us importance today because any case that had segregation and enough evidence was presented, then a law for segregation would be unconstitutional.


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Hope this helps.

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For the first question the answer will be B) Uncontrollable. Social security budget uses a large part of the federal budget in order to work, and as this budges increases faster than tax revenue it is known as an uncontrollable budget.

For the second question the answer will also be B) Protectionism. This practice helps shielding or protecting the country's industry by adding a tax on imports, so the national goods remain on a lower price than imported goods.

12) Which kind of budget item is Social Security?
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The people of the Zhou Dynasty perceived natural disasters to be A) Indicative of their rulers not following the Mandate of Heaven. They believed that if the ruler was not being virtuous and right, that they would be punished. As a result, they often led revolts against the ruler who brought the floods and famine upon them.


Its option A-


Got it right on eg