D. can be passed from birds to humans.
Pathogens are organisms such as virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, worms that causes diseases to its host.
Avian flu is a strain or variant of the Influenza virus which is predominantly causes a disease in birds such as chickens. The virus responsible for the Avian flu can be passed from birds to humans; when anyone comes in contact with a bird that is carrying the virus i.e a sick bird with Avian flu.
Homeostasis can be defined as a process through which a living organism maintains a steady or stable physical, internal and chemical environment ideal to enhance life and proper functionality.
If a person becomes infected with a pathogen, such as a virus. The internal stimulus that mainly takes place in order for their body to maintain homeostasis is that their core temperature increases. This is because pathogens such as a virus do not thrive or survive in a hot environment; they're naturally allergic to high temperature (heat).
People have moral rights and duties within society. Thought people were naturally good.
Explanation: there is a benefit of the individuals involved, so they will fulfill their part of the agreement.
The Second Great Awakening preached sermons that were much softer and kinder. Rather than portraying an angry, vengeful God, the Second Great Awakening painted God as a benevolent and compassionate ruler who only wanted the salvation of every man. After the Timothy Dwight’s success in New England, it was only a matter of time until the religious revival spread throughout the rest of the nation.
George Washington set important precedents for the presidency of the United States.
Answer:Perhaps George Washington's most significant lasting impact is that, through his actions, he set important precedents for the presidency of the United States. He was, of course, the first President, and unlike all of his successors, he had no model to look to (except, perhaps, the negative model of European monarchy.)
He meant that his accomplishment are more than he had expected to accomplish
When Churchill mentions that his “private ambitions have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams”.
He meant that his ambitions or desires have been accomplished more than he could ever think of or more than he had expected. This means that every position or role he has held is far more than what he expected of himself. Churchill might not have believed that his aims or ambitions in life will be achieved to that level or at that rate of progress.
For instance, Churchill held so many offices in his political career through appointment and election. He was a Member of Parliament from 1924 until 1964, home secretary, first lord of the admiralty, chancellor of the Exchequer, minister of defense, and prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955.
Britishers were Spain's European rivals in America as both were conquering lands to strengthen their colonial power. Spanish settlement in Texas began with missions and presidios. Both intended secure control over the region and spread Christianity among the Native Americans.
After French gave Louisiana to Spain, the capital of Texas shifted to San Antonio, where Spain began to strengthen Texas to protect its Mexican colony. Spain encouraged settlers to buy land and raise cattle. The population settled by Mexican farmers and ranchers.
Britishers were Spain's European rivals in America as both were conquering lands to strengthen their colonial power. Spanish settlement in Texas began with missions and presidios. Both intended secure control over the region and spread Christianity among the Native Americans.
After French gave Louisiana to Spain, the capital of Texas shifted to San Antonio, where Spain began to strengthen Texas to protect its Mexican colony. Spain encouraged settlers to buy land and raise cattle. The population settled by Mexican farmers and ranchers.